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Corona lockdown tightened: Söder announces a bang and exchanges ministers - new lockdown rules apply


The corona lockdown is being extended. Söder explained the implementation of the measures, for example the range of motion. Then he announced a bang.

The corona lockdown is being extended.

Söder explained the implementation of the measures, for example the range of motion.

Then he announced a bang.

  • The Corona * lockdown in Germany is being extended and tightened.

  • The state parliament discussed the implementation in the Free State on Wednesday (January 6th).

  • Markus Söder then announced a bang at a press conference - and exchanged ministers (see update from January 6, 12:53 p.m.).

  • Here you will find the current case numbers in the Free State on a map *.

Update from January 6, 6.45 p.m.:

CSU boss

Markus Söder

commented on the current situation again via Twitter after today's press conference.

The Prime Minister once again formulated the

need in the current situation

and dared to

look into the future

: “We can overcome Corona.

But only with

full concentration and focus


Only if we succeed in this can we


ourselves to

all other topics

with new energy and new ideas, ”says Söder.



, which has been in place

since the beginning of December

, was extended to the end of January this week.

We now have to face the Corona challenge together.

We can overcome Corona.

But only with full concentration and focus.

Only if we succeed in this can we devote ourselves to all other topics with renewed energy and new ideas.

# Direction21 @csu_bt

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) January 6, 2021

Corona in Bavaria: hard lockdown extended - Söder pulls the rip cord in terms of personnel

Update from January 6, 2.10 p.m

.: Markus Söder pulls

the rip cord

in the

corona pandemic

: Bavaria's Prime Minister replaces the previous Minister of Health Melanie Huml and replaces her with her State Secretary and head of the Corona Task Force Klaus Holetschek (see update from 12:56 p.m.).

Holetschek has recently proven to be a doer, also in cooperation with the municipalities in Bavaria, said Söder after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday in Munich.

"This is a sovereign decision that is discussed with everyone," said Söder.

"I think the line-up is the best."

Söder also once again called for more


security from the federal government

for the delivery of vaccines

against the coronavirus.

It is now important that every vaccine that is possible can be procured and produced.

It is not a problem of the quantities ordered, but the question of when the vaccine doses will arrive.

"What was a positive signal yesterday that the Chancellor made this a

top priority

," said the CSU boss.

Corona in Bavaria: Free State allows Click & Collect pick-up service

Bavaria's Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger said at the press conference that the Free State now also

allows the

Click & Collect

pick-up service


Accordingly, online orders can be picked up in the store in the future.

"For many retailers, especially for smaller retailers, this is perhaps the

last straw,

" says Aiwanger.

The service was already allowed in other federal states.

Bavaria had so far refrained from doing this for fear of customer gatherings in front of the shops.

"I appeal to the citizens to accept these offers" - and not just to order from the major international online platforms, said Aiwanger.

"When Corona is over, we don't want to see a large

shop die


Aiwanger also stated that the corona aid for November operations should be paid out from January 12th.

"The commitment seems to be resilient, it could run from January 12," he said.

So far the necessary processing software for the November aid is missing.

Corona lockdown tightened: Söder announces a bang and exchanges ministers - new lockdown rules apply

Update from January 6th, 12.53 p.m

.: On Wednesday the Bavarian state parliament discussed the

implementation of the resolutions

at yesterday's Corona summit.

Prime Minister Markus Söder said at a press conference after the meeting that the lockdown would also be extended and tightened for Bavaria.

As a result,

large parts of the trade, hotel and restaurant business will

remain closed in the

Free State

from next Monday (January 11).

Corona lockdown in Bavaria extended: Free State cancels carnival holidays

There will still be no presence in schools.

Emergency care is to be set up for day-care centers, students from levels 1 to 6, special needs students and children with disabilities.

In addition, there should be the opportunity to look after children privately - but only in a permanent other

contact family

, as Söder said.

Distance teaching

should be offered in all schools and grades


Depending on the incidence of infection, a return to face-to-face teaching - staggered according to grade - is aimed for from February.


CSU boss also

announced that the carnival holidays will be canceled.

The holiday week actually planned from February 15 to 19 will not take place, during which time lessons can be made up.

For hotspots, i.e. circles in which the

seven-day incidence is

above 200, there is also restricted freedom of movement.

For private reasons, residents are only allowed to stay a maximum of 15 kilometers from their place of residence.

Purchases are exempt from this, as Söder made clear.

According to Söder, the new rule mainly applies to day trips.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder announces a bang - Melanie Huml changes position

Söder then delivered a bang at the end of his speech:

Health Minister Melanie Huml

moves to the State Chancellery.

She strengthens the Corona team there.

The new Minister of Health will be

State Secretary

for Health

Klaus Holetschek.

Update from 12:38 p.m

.: The press conference is over.

Update from 12.35 p.m.:

Söder explains that he understands that certain regions are overcrowded and explicitly mentions Miesbach.

But he makes it clear: "Signs that are put up there are of little help".

It is now being considered how the radius of motion measure can now be practically implemented, the Ministry of the Interior is taking care of that.

The new rules will apply from next Monday, January 11th.

Update from 12:31 p.m

.: Why is Söder now drawing personnel consequences, although Melanie Huml has already been more criticized than at the moment?

This is the question asked by a journalist Markus Söder.

The CSU boss had thought about what would be good for the next few months, this was discussed with everyone.

The state chancellery needs reinforcements, Melanie Huml has experience.

Söder appreciate them very much.

For the next few months you are so "well positioned."

Update from 12:21 p.m .:

"The lockdown is increasingly going to the substance," explains Minister of Economic Affairs

Hubert Aiwanger

, who speaks after Söder.

Some would call for more people to be allowed in again, and would ask hospitals to continue to be careful.

As long as the situation in the hospitals is tense, Corona is a big problem.

Nevertheless, one shouldn't lose sight of the economy: "A big appeal to Berlin to step on the gas wherever possible."

Corona lockdown in Bavaria extended - Söder apologizes: "Sorry that ..."

Update 12.19 p.m.:

He does not want to promise anything that cannot be kept.

But you do everything you can.

“We're not going easy,” says Söder.

That takes strength.

“We'll get through it”, the CSU boss is sure and thanks everyone who abides by the rules.

"Sorry for having to keep doing this."

Corona lockdown in Bavaria: Melanie Huml changes position - new health minister in the Free State

Update 12.14 p.m.:

It is “more difficult and worse than the first wave,” explains Söder.

Then Söder comes to an important person, because he had thought about the lineup.

Melanie Huml will

therefore strengthen the team in the State Chancellery from next Monday and help there with her experience in the Corona team.

"That is connected with a very high appreciation" for the experience of the CSU politician.

Klaus Holetschek

takes over the duties as Minister of Health.

Corona lockdown in Bavaria extended and deepened: Free State cancels the carnival holidays

Update 12.09 p.m.:

According to Söder, schools and daycare centers are a "sensitive" topic.

“We play it safe here, we don't do any experiments.” There is no attendance, “but neither are there any extended holidays.” Instead, there are distance lessons plus emergency care for daycare centers and elementary schools.

“Who needs it”, clarifies Söder.

It is not about the professions of the parents, but about who is dependent on emergency care.

The face-to-face lessons should be made up elsewhere.

There will be no carnival holidays because carnival is also canceled.

There is then the opportunity to catch up on lessons.

Bavaria cancels the carnival holidays in 2021.

Lessons should then be made up in presence.

- Christian Deutschländer (@CDeutschlaender) January 6, 2021

Söder explains corona lockdown for Bavaria: "The softer the measures, the longer they take"

Update 12:06 p.m .:

“We should stay consistent,” demands Söder.

"The softer the measures are, the longer they take." However, the numbers are too high, which is why the current measures have to be extended and in some places deepened.

This also applies to Bavaria.

Two central areas are deepened: contacts and mobility.

"Contacts: We're going back to spring." You can only meet one household with one person.

In addition to childcare: One could imagine a permanent “contact family” to look after children.

Regarding mobility, Söder says, with a view to tourist day trips, that these are no longer allowed "in all hotspots, ie from an incidence of 200 or more" from the place of residence.

The radius is 15 kilometers.

The city limits are the place of residence.

“That does not apply to purchases, for example,” says Söder.

Corona lockdown extended: Söder warns - "The situation is still serious"

Update 12:03 p.m

.: "The situation is still very serious," begins Söder.

The numbers did not go through the roof over Christmas, so the measures were correct.

But there is no reason to give the all-clear.

Bavaria currently has an incidence of 158, he explains.

It wasn't until the middle of the next week that one could really say how the numbers developed after the holidays, because there was less testing.

It is assumed that the number of unreported cases is higher.

Söder explains that there has already been a case with the mutated virus in Bavaria.

It was about a returnee from Great Britain.

Update 12:02 p.m

.: The press conference with Prime Minister Markus Söder begins.

Update from January 6, 11:20 a.m

.: The Bavarian state parliament is currently in session.

The topic is how the corona measures decided on yesterday will be implemented for Bavaria.

At 12 noon there will be a

press conference

with Markus Söder.

You can follow them in the live stream and ticker here.

Söder announces tightening of the lockdown in Bavaria: "Nonsense" and "nonsense" - in the state parliament today, Zoff threatens

First report from January 6th, 10.02 a.m.:

Munich - On Tuesday the

federal and state governments


on an extension and tightening of the corona lockdown until the end of January.

This was announced by Chancellor Angela Merkel * together with Markus Söder. * Today, Wednesday (January 6), the Bavarian cabinet will



special meeting


It then deals with the implementation and fine-tuning of the measures for the Free State.

After the meeting there will be a press conference with

Prime Minister Söder


around 12 noon


The state parliament will


on the


in a special session on Friday


Corona lockdown extended: is there a dispute over schools?

Among other things, it will be interesting to see how the

Free Voters,

as coalition partners of the CSU *, react to the tightened Corona * measures that Söder is bringing from Berlin.

For months there have been


between the two parties due to the Corona * policy


The free voters prefer a more liberal approach with more relaxation, the CSU around Söder stands for a more cautious course with conditions.

Schools in


should play a role.

Söder had already declared in Berlin that he was against opening up to elementary school students and graduating classes as well as daycare centers.

Distance classes will continue.

The signs point to trouble because of the Mebis learning platform.

From the ranks of the Free Voters it was heard that they could

very well imagine

a return under more stringent conditions with

alternating lessons and class splits


In the cabinet, however, the Free Voters had so far supported all the measures, even if they sometimes gritted their teeth.

Video: Federal and state governments extend corona lockdown until the end of January

Corona lockdown in Bavaria: radius of movement in hotspots is restricted

Florian Streibl, leader of the Free Voters parliamentary group, recently spoke out in a strategy paper in favor of ending the Corona * measures as quickly as possible.

Instead, Söder now brings a significant

restriction on freedom of movement

for Bayern to Munich.

The Chancellor agreed with the country chiefs on Tuesday to limit freedom of movement in hotspots to a radius of 15 kilometers.

This measure takes effect when a county exceeds a seven-day incidence * of 200.

This is intended to put a stop to excursion tourism in particular.

Corona in Bavaria: "nonsense" and "nonsense" - harsh criticism of restriction of freedom of movement

During the holidays there was a lot of excursion traffic, especially in the Bavarian mountain regions - despite the current exit restrictions.

Mayors had complained that their places were overrun by day trippers * and that the parking situation was at the limit.

The Council of Ministers should therefore be


the situation in the

mountain regions

with concern

on Epiphany today


The police also commented on the holiday. *

There is already criticism from the Bavarian opposition for this measure.

SPD parliamentary group leader Horst Arnold

spoke on Twitter of "disproportionate wooden hammer methods", his party colleague Christian Flisek described the measure as "total nonsense, because disproportionate."

Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger

considers the restriction to be "nonsense," as he



Bavarian radio


15 km #Movement radius?

Not realistic and practicable for land like #Bayern.

Consequence: Maximum uncertainty of the people & excessive demands on the police.

They have to pay for these inconsiderate mallet methods!

This is NOT a strategy, but an oath of disclosure!

- Horst Arnold MdL SPD (@HorstArnold_SPD) January 5, 2021

Corona lockdown: 17 districts in Bavaria affected by restriction of freedom of movement

The restriction of freedom of movement for regions particularly affected by the coronavirus would - as of Wednesday, 12:00 a.m. - affect 17 cities and districts in Bavaria.

Specifically, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute, the cities of Coburg, Passau, Hof and Nuremberg were above the 200 mark.

Deggendorf, Wunsiedel in the Fichtelgebirge, Coburg, Passau, Tirschenreuth, Berchtesgadener Land, Bayreuth, Regen, Kulmbach, Freyung-Grafenau, Rottal-Inn, Roth and Hof were listed in the districts.

However, it is expected that more circles will exceed the 200 incidence in the next few days, as fewer tests had been carried out over the holidays and not all

health authorities

had submitted figures.

"We must rather assume that these numbers will grow," emphasized Söder.

That is why the federal states only allow private meetings in your own household or with at most one other person.


kam / dpa) * is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Matthias Balk / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-01-07

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