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Bennett and Horowitz concluded: All restrictions in open space will be eliminated, there will be no green mark in places with low risk | Israel today


Against the background of the decline in morbidity, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health agreed on a series of facilitations • In an open space it will be possible to hold cultural events, sports and prayers for up to 1,000 participants

Against the background of the decline in coronary heart disease in Israel, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz agreed today (Tuesday) to lift the restrictions on gatherings in open spaces and to abolish the green label in low-risk places.

In an open space it will be possible to hold cultural, sports and prayer events, for up to 1,000 participants and in a yeshiva, without the obligation of a green badge.

In a closed place, it will be possible to hold cultural, sports and prayer events for up to 100 participants and a yeshiva, without the obligation of a green label.

Maximum occupancy in indoor ballrooms will increase from 400 to 600 participants, under the green label rules.

Event gardens will be allowed to hold events in the open space only with no occupancy limit, in accordance with the green label rules.

Scanning the green note., Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

The obligation to wear a mask in a gathering of more than 100 people in an open area will be abolished.

The obligation to wear a mask indoors will remain unchanged.

The decisions will be submitted today for approval by the Ministerial Committee for the Counter-Corona Virus (Corona Cabinet) in a telephone poll, and are expected to take effect this Thursday, after approval by the Knesset's Constitution Committee.

At the same time, it was agreed that the Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Knesset Education Committee and the Ministries of Education, Culture and Sports, will formulate in the coming days an outline adapted to the education system, which will also address cultural events within the school.

Removal of masks in stadiums

Following discussions and at the request of the Minister of Culture and Sports, Hili Trooper, an agreement was reached with the Ministry of Health on a series of facilitations in which green exemptions were waived in shows of up to 100 people and the removal of the obligation to wear masks in stadiums.

Minister of Culture and Sports Hili Trooper agreed with the Ministry of Health and with Prime Minister Bennett on the easing of the worlds of culture and sports, in light of the decline in Corona.

It was agreed between the parties that an exemption would be granted from the green label in shows of up to 100 people in order to allow for children's shows.

It was also agreed to remove the obligation to wear masks in stadiums and open spaces.

It was further agreed that in the coming days and in coordination with the Ministry of Education, cultural events could take place in the schools and that the students would be able to return to cultural performances.

Minister of Culture and Sports Hili Trooper.

Aiming high, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Culture and Sports Minister Hili Trooper said: "Given the encouraging corona figures and the significant drop in morbidity, it has been decided on a series of facilitations that will help the world of culture and sports. "And encourage freely. The corona has shown us that we need to continue to adhere to the rules in order to maintain the health of us all."

564 infected per day

The Ministry of Health published this morning the picture of the corona spread.

According to data yesterday, 564 new carriers were identified which is 0.66 percent out of 90,666 new tests.

The number of active carriers in Israel stands at 6,198 people, of whom 161 Israelis are hospitalized in critical condition, of whom 107 are respirators.

The death toll from the plague stands at 8,124 people Yesterday no one died.

Event hall during the Corona period, Photo: Liron Moldovan

The coefficient of infection stands at 0.89, the same coefficient that was yesterday.

The number of recipients of the booster dose (the third vaccine) is 3,996,567 and most likely today the four million line of the booster dose will be crossed.

This is because the daily immunization rate is about 5,000.

There are currently four red localities in Israel - Talmon, Abu Korinat (tribe), Beit She'an and a restaurant.

Also, orange settlements.

But all the big cities in the country are green.

About 60 percent of patients or carriers today are under the age of 20.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-09

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