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Opinion | The murdered are not the only victims Israel today


The shooting in the Arab sector misses the wounded • Every such wounded man, who loses part of his ability to function and work, actually becomes a burden on the state - on us, the taxpayers

In the past, this was the weekend routine of the staff of the Department of Trauma and Emergency Medicine at Rambam in Haifa: waiting for the arrival of a few wounded from Arab society - gunfire, stabbings or fights. But in recent years it is a daily routine In the morning and not just at night.

The headlines highlight the 106 murders in the sector since the beginning of the year and quite rightly so, and the discussions among the decision-makers and relevant bodies focus mainly on the frightening and frightening number.

But almost - if at all - there is no talk of the wounded, who remain anonymous and identity, but continue for years with trauma, suffering and long-term medical rehabilitation at best, and with great physical and mental disability for them and their families, at worst.

According to data from the Trauma Department at Rambam, last October alone, 52 young Arabs arrived with gunshot wounds in various situations, and in general there is a frightening increase of 172 percent in the treatment of shooting incidents this year compared to last year. Other patients such as the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, the three hospitals in Nazareth and Hillel Yaffe Hospital in Hadera.

And we have not yet talked about the wounded from the Negev, nor about the cities involved in the central region.

If we consider it a minimal calculation, according to the basic data, we will almost certainly reach more than 200 gunshot wounds last month in the whole of Arab society.

Anyone injured as a result of gunfire, who loses part of his ability to function and work, actually becomes a burden on the state - on us, the taxpayers.

He needed help from Social Security, maybe even a car for mobility, for special care from the welfare department in his locality.

Moreover, his family members also become needy, not to mention the mental trauma such an event can leave on the victim and his family.

Part of the government's efforts and the arms of law enforcement is to change the legislation in the Knesset to increase the penalties, as part of the fight against crime in Arab society.

But the change in legislation must also take into account special legislation against those who were behind the shooting at a person, and not a sufficient fine.

There is room to consider imposing on him all the medical expenses and direct and indirect damages if convicted, and moreover - there is a place where the state will be responsible for collecting the funds from him in any way and by any legal means at its disposal.

It is not possible in a city like Tamra in the Galilee, shooting incidents occur more during the day than at night, and throughout the week.

Police reports deal with shootings of people or businesses in the city, and the world as usual.

This week, during Sunday, one shooting incident chased another by an hour and two hours, and the first and main and most important question is not where the police are but where the police intelligence is, that he should know and anticipate such incidents in advance.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-09

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