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From a model to a source of chaos: the defects of American democracy have become a hidden danger to world stability


Several U.S. Republican congressmen introduced a new sanctions bill against China this week, the Sanctioning Tyrannical and Oppressive People within the Chinese C.

Several U.S. Republican House of Representatives this week introduced a new sanctions bill against China, the "Sanctioning Tyrannical and Oppressive People within the Chinese Communist Party Act", which is intended to impose sanctions on all more than 2,000 members of the Chinese Communist Party's National Congress. and their adult immediate family members.

Under the bill, all of the more than 2,000 members of the National Congress of the Communist Party of China and their adult immediate family members will not be able to enter the United States, nor will they have access to the U.S. financial system, and U.S. companies will not be able to conduct any transactions with sanctioned individuals and their families.

This unprecedentedly tough bill, if passed in Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden, would have a catastrophic impact on Sino-US relations and would incur the harshest reciprocal sanctions from China. , the federal government and members of the Senate and House of Representatives, including the US president, may become the target of China's reciprocal sanctions.

However, so far, no Democratic lawmakers have responded to the bill. General analysis believes that it will be difficult for the Senate and the House of Representatives to pass the bill in its entirety.

In order to prevent further impact on Sino-US relations, even if Congress passes it, Biden will most likely not sign this bill. The purpose of Republican lawmakers to propose this bill is to a large extent for the Democratic Party and the Biden administration. Create problems, and at the same time harvest domestic anti-China public opinion.

Taking the background of the bill as a case study, we can see through the many inherent congenital defects in the design of the American democratic system, as well as the serious hidden dangers to the security and stability of the world because of these defects.

In the eighteenth century, the United States established a set of democratic systems based on separation of powers and checks and balances, which constituted the foundation of the United States' constitutional government. Its main forms include separation of powers, democratic elections, and federal structures.

This system design, on the one hand, inherits the classical democratic thought of the city-state system in the political culture of ancient Greece, and is a reflection on the institutional practice of the early European feudal autocracy; on the other hand, because the independence of the United States is the result of the joint efforts of the thirteen colonies, it is In the later constitutional order and national system construction, we must compromise with reality.

Although there are still many flaws in the design of this system, such as the political rights of black people and women were not recognized at all at that time, but historically, this system is indeed the most advanced system at that time, and it is a model of Western capitalist democracy. It enabled the United States to avoid the disaster and darkness of autocracy and oppression, and it also made the United States quickly develop into an upstart of Western capitalist countries, and successfully maintained national unity in the Civil War, and then through its rare geographical advantages and the two worlds. The intervention of the Great War contributed to the transfer of the global power center from Europe across the Atlantic, and the United States became the hegemon after World War II.

During this period, according to the needs of the growing national system construction and the conflicts that needed to be resolved at that time, the U.S. Constitution was amended many times, making this system gradually complete.

It must be admitted that in terms of democracy, especially political democracy, the American system is still a model for the Western system, and the United States is still the country with the most technological and commercial innovation and the most comprehensive strength in the world.

On the other hand, the excessive dominance of the free capitalist market has also made the United States one of the countries with the largest disparity between the rich and the poor in the world. This fundamental economic problem is superimposed on structural social problems such as liberalism and race, making the American society more and more It is developing in a polarized direction, society is increasingly torn apart, various conflicts continue, and crime rates continue to rise, which seriously consumes the economic achievements of the United States and erodes the bottom of its social system.

What is more serious is that the two-party system, federal system, and the separation of powers system, which were originally designed for the consideration of power checks and balances in the American system, have been seriously distorted and alienated by party politics. Politicians are desperately expanding their own interests under their legal cover, while the system itself gradually loses its original ability to repair.

So we can see that Barack Obama has achieved almost nothing during his tenure, and his only legacy, "Obamacare", has also been overturned by Donald Trump many times.

Due to the loose state power structure of federalism and the selfish incompetence of the Trump administration during Trump's presidency, the epidemic prevention and control completely failed, making the United States the country with the largest number of deaths due to the epidemic in the world.

After Biden took office, he introduced a bill to strengthen U.S. infrastructure construction in confrontation with China, but it was passed by Congress after repeated revisions and cuts due to political constraints.

This huge political internal friction derived from the institutional structure has become the cancer of the American system. While consuming the American primordial spirit, it is gradually pulling the United States down to its peak.

If these problems cannot be solved, those politicians and system defenders can only invent various pleasant terms, such as "coexisting with the virus", "economic decision-making is inefficient but can guarantee fairness and justice", etc. He tried to save face and cover up his inherent selfishness, incompetence and institutional flaws.

When players in a democratic system based on party struggles consider and make decisions based on the maximization of their own or their own party’s interests, the interests of the entire country and the people are put aside, and the political ecology of the entire country will inevitably be torn apart.

If the United States is a small and insignificant country, then these tears and struggles are only internal frictions.

When the United States is a dominant superpower in the world, the negative impact of such internal political divisions and struggles will have a powerful spillover effect, which will have a catastrophic impact on other countries and even the entire world order.

On January 6, 2021, the Capitol Building in Washington, USA was besieged by a group of Trump supporters.


Comparing history, it can be found that when the United States first entered the stage of world hegemony in World War II, it exported economic construction projects such as the Anti-Fascist War and "The Marshall Plan", the World Bank (WB) and the international currency. The IMF and other international financial orders, although these national actions are inseparable from the vulgar purpose of establishing and maintaining American hegemony, were indeed a healthy and positive force at the time, and thus won the approval of most countries in the world. support.

This was true even in the international war on terror led by the United States in the early 2000s.

But what is the United States exporting to the world now?

Economically, the hegemony of the U.S. dollar has been used to reap the economic fruits of other countries through financial policies. During the international pandemic of the new crown epidemic, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the U.S. federal government have been particularly greedy. U.S. dollar hegemony has now become an economic disaster for many countries.

Since the Asian financial crisis, initiated by the domestic economic or financial policy of the United States and manipulated by Wall Street financial giants, it has created at least two serious financial crises around the world, destroying the achievements of many countries in economic construction over the years.

Trump, on the other hand, simply put forward the "America First" policy, and established the foundation of "America Great Again" on the economic extortion of other countries. Not only did he regard China as the primary target of extortion, but it led to the overall deterioration of Sino-US relations, and even the Its ally system is not spared, causing the world economic order to be in unprecedented chaos because of this "Demon King of Chaos".

Politically, the Jasmine Revolution in the Middle East, the Velvet Revolution in Eastern Europe, the Ukrainian crisis, etc., political turmoil and "color revolutions" in almost every place have the shadow of the United States.

Many people believe that the performance of the United States in international affairs over the years has turned it from a respectable force of good to a source of chaos in the world and a real empire of evil.

Take the "Anti-CCP Act" proposed by the Republican Party as an example. Does the Republican Party really want to completely and completely destroy the relationship with China?

Probably not.

If the Republicans were in power now, they would certainly not have proposed such extreme bills.

If the Republicans really want to, they should come up with a similar bill under a more aggressive Trump administration.

They also know very well that if this bill is passed, it will have a devastating impact on Sino-US relations, including the US's own interests, and the entire existing world order will be seriously damaged as a result.

The reason why they did not bring it out at the time, but brought it out during the current Biden administration, especially when the Biden administration is trying to moderately adjust Sino-US relations, and public opinion has fallen into an unprecedented downturn, is nothing more than wanting to "take public opinion to make "Biden", put the Democratic Party and the Biden administration on fire, and politically harvested mainstream anti-China public opinion.

Under this political calculation, will they still consider the impact of the bill on Sino-US relations, the world order, and the US's own interests?

No, as long as it can achieve the goal of attacking the Democratic Party and the Biden administration and maximizing the interests of the party, other influences are not within their scope of consideration.

This is the most typical case of American political parties and politicians, by legitimately exploiting certain inherent flaws in the design of the American system, to cause serious harm to other countries, the world, and even to the interests of the United States itself.

Some people say that this is a manifestation of American hegemony, and it is teaching the CCP to violate human rights. It is too high to look at the moral standards of these political party politicians. This is just a group of politicians who abuse the state system to fight for power and gain.

It's just that they compete at home, but the whole world is affected.

From Europe to China and Argentina to restart the process of retaking the Falkland Islands, Canada's anti-vaccine demonstrations, and continued US political and cultural export threats Taiwan's "Ukrainian Confusion", will Mali in West Africa become the "Afghanistan" of France or even Europe?

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2022-02-13

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