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Opinion | Shouting "racism" and denying reality | Israel today


Presenting the distinction towards refugees as racism is a symptom of one of the diseases in which Arab political culture is affected: the refusal to accept responsibility for their behavior and consequences

The serial tendency of the region's Arabs to complain and deny responsibility for their plight has recently found a new avenue relating to the war in Ukraine.

The world is shocked by the suffering of the Ukrainian population, opens its arms to millions of refugees, economically harms the Russian invader and ostracizes its leaders;

Whereas when it comes to Arabs the world denies their suffering, shuts itself off from their refugees and refrains from punishing their occupiers.

In their eyes, this is a racist distinction, as Western reporters fully admit that they are shocked by the suffering of "people like us."

The gap in the West and Israel's treatment of these two phenomena - Arabs and the like (for example, Afghans) versus Ukrainians - is indeed large and noticeable.

The opinion is that the similarity in lifestyle and appearance between the victims of the violence and the refugees and their hosts alleviates the empathy and explains to some extent the gap.

But the main difference, the one that the Arabs and their excuses deny and ignore with manipulative hypocrisy, is the fundamental difference in the circumstances of the formation of the distress and the complete contrast in their collective behavior.

The Ukrainians were conquered and became refugees because their predatory neighbor was plotting to enslave their homeland.

The Arabs and the like have been conquered in recent generations usually because of their own violence and have become refugees during barbaric civil wars to oppress their neighbors.

In these wars the weak side exiled from their land, who would have oppressed others had he been stronger than he.

In both cases there are many individuals who behave differently - Ukrainian criminals or innocent Arab victims - but the attitude in the West to the whole phenomenon can not help but be dictated by the collective image.

The decisive factor for the attitude is the expectations for the future, based on past experience.

Ukrainian refugees are not expected to threaten the quality of life of the receiving countries, to engage in extraordinary violence, to identify with their enemies, and to lead a way of life that goes against the core values ​​of society on important issues.

The vast majority of them are expected to connect to the fundamental values ​​of Western societies, maintain their uniqueness without defiance and gradually reduce the reliance on welfare mechanisms.

Some will integrate among the hosts and contribute to their well-being, and some will return to his country when possible.

In contrast, a significant proportion of Arab immigrants to Europe brought the pluralistic values ​​and lifestyles that wreaked havoc on their homeland: violent behavior, a tendency to protest mass riots, the oppression of women, and the legitimacy of terrorism.

It is clear that these are not all Arab or Muslim immigrants, but that such behavior is more common among them than in other immigrant groups, and its severity is increasing in generations already educated in Europe.

For example, the police are afraid to enter Muslim neighborhoods in Paris.

In riots that spread from there across France (2005) thousands of cars were set on fire.

The publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad led to tens of thousands of violent riots, led to the murder of journalists and forced many others to hide for fear of their lives.

These are common phenomena of extreme preaching in mosques, antisemitic revelations, assault on Jews and oppression of women and LGBT people.

Although the number of conscripts (ISIS) is absolutely low, it stood out in terms of its scope against any other national, religious or ethnic group.

In the second largest city in Sweden, for example, the proportion of this population has reached a level that makes it difficult for others, especially Jews, to lead a calm and safe lifestyle.

The Arab writers' disregard for these circumstances and the presentation of the distinction with regard to the various refugees as racism, are a symptom of one of the serious diseases in which Arab political culture is infected: the refusal to accept responsibility for their behavior and consequences.

A Palestinian public, which turns terrorists into its role models and generously funds them and their families, is amazed when the victims of terrorism treat its sons as a suspicious object.

Immigrants among whom there is widespread oppression of women and LGBT people, violence within and outside the community, mass riots and legitimacy of terrorism, marvel when they are not welcome in pluralistic societies. Immigrants from India are welcome in the UK.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-03-22

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