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Not in their head: about the lack of interest of England fans in the World Cup in Qatar - voila! FIFA World Cup


The problem of corruption, the ridiculous timing, the consumption of alcohol and more: what prevents the English public from getting carried away as before after the enthusiasm for the World Cup?

Tiktukno: summary of the day's events in sports, 15.11 (Sport1)

The league is officially over, the players of the various teams are dispersing to their various destinations - some to their national teams, some to a few weeks of forced but equally refreshing vacation, but the extraordinary feeling of excitement for a major tournament that is around the corner simply does not exist throughout England preparing for the upcoming World Cup.

The local public is deeply immersed in much more burning issues that deal with daily existence - starting with the formation of a new (additional) government or the cost of living which is increasing and significantly harms the pocket of each and every citizen and also the community of football fans, which makes sure to fill the various stadiums throughout the country and the pyramid of the various leagues - from Newcastle in the north As for Bournemouth in the south - the main part of the minimal discourse leading up to the World Cup in Qatar deals with the abject lack of interest that the upcoming tournament is creating.

Indifference shown alongside frustration at the existence of such a significant tournament in the middle of the football season are what drive the feelings of lack of interest in the days surrounding the opening whistle of the upcoming World Cup, but beneath the surface there are diverse reasons that drive the attitude of the English football fans, who only wish for the end of the international tournament the nearest and counting the minutes until their local team is back in action.

What are they preparing? (Photo: Reuters)

The identity of the winner of the tournament: England are hoping to host a World Cup soon, that's a given, and Wembley was the most popular stadium during the last European Championship that spanned many countries across the continent.

The National Stadium in London was given the stage and the opportunity to prove that it (and its managers) were up to the challenge, but the embarrassing riots that took place in the final match, which included ticket-less local hooligans breaking into the Wembley stands in the match against Italy, led to a sense of national embarrassment that cast great doubt on whether England, the home of football, was really capable To safely and pleasantly host a large intense tournament.

The past attempt of the English Football Association to win the hosting of the World Cup failed at the global bidding stage and despite the embarrassing fiasco in the various aspects that dealt with the safe management of the last Euro final, the feeling of the fans is that England has the tools and the necessary infrastructure to host the World Cup in a traditional and safe manner at the expense of other countries with no experience in the matter , such as Qatar.

Corruption: 12 years have passed since Qatar was officially announced as the country that will host the future World Cup and in fact over a decade in which the scandal of the Arab country's selection has accompanied FIFA as an organization whose moral purity is not a candle at its feet.

Of the 22 members of the committee that awarded Qatar the right to host the tournament, at least 16 of them have been fired or suspended from the organization as part of a national investigation led by the FBI.

English football itself is not completely pure and there is great doubt whether there is even an organization in professional sports that can operate without various existential interests, however the English Football Association and its various branches have been leading for years a policy and vision aimed at making football accessible with professional transparency and a desire to harness the fans of the teams - starting with the professional leagues, Through the women's and youth leagues to the bottom of the football pyramid in the amateur leagues - to the vision and values ​​they are trying to instill.

The rivalry between clubs and the different fan camps will always be in the background and often adds great interest to the competition itself, however there is a common denominator between the different fan communities in the stands in England with a feeling that although local football is not perfect, the transparency, values ​​and tradition do exist as part of the daily activities and activities and are in a positive place And light years away from the reality and the various interests that surround Qatar and that led to its winning the hosting of the upcoming World Cup.

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Arsenal fans (Photo: Reuters)

The ridiculous timing: for the first time in its 92 years of existence, the World Cup will be held in the winter due to the temperatures and the extreme heat load that exists in Qatar during the summer months.

Despite the threats to take legal action against FIFA for allowing the tournament to take place in the middle of the season, these turned out to be empty threats and the original plan will be carried out.

The move led to tremendous chaos in most of the European leagues that had to make the necessary adjustments to their schedule and created a double 'headache' for the Premier League and the angry fans of the teams.

While a significant part of the leagues across the old continent take advantage of some of the freezing local winter months for a required game break, the month of December and the Christmas games in particular constitute the high point in the local Premier League season.

For many years, the league itself has been under pressure from the players' union to try and reduce games by spacing out the intense schedule, but holding the World Cup in the winter will add a huge physical load and a feeling that his voice must be listened to more than anything else - the angle of the players and the physical challenge they will face - cannot be counted at all.

If England (whose fans pessimistically predict a rather frustrating professional tournament) will reach the final on December 18, a week after landing at Heathrow Airport in London (with or in the more realistic case - without the coveted trophy) the captain of the team, Harry Kane, will play in the local derby Away against Brentford at 12.30pm London time.

The local teams prepared for an unusual winter in terms of rest, recovery and especially the need to start another pre-season at the same time as the World Cup, when some will send many representatives to the various national teams while others will enjoy a poorer national representation, which adds to the inequality among the teams and their different starting point during and at the end of the World Cup.

What about the beers? (Photo: Reuters)

Alcohol consumption: A few months ago, the former player and senior football commentator, Gary Neville, was sent to Qatar to conduct a series of interviews with local managers who are responsible for the operation of the upcoming World Cup.

Among the many main issues that dealt with human rights and the degree of openness (if any) towards fans from the LGBT community, the issue that Neville consistently returned to was the issue of alcohol consumption in Qatar, which has a strict policy regarding where alcohol is allowed to be consumed.

Neville, in a tone of apologetic doubt, publicly wondered whether the local managers had any real knowledge of the significance and frequency of alcohol consumed by the football fans accompanying the Three Lions.

The alcohol and the pub are still significant components of the English lifestyle, which is expressed both at home on different league game days and in an even more powerful way when the national team holds its international games.

The various restrictions on the location where it will be possible to consume alcohol and whether the local authorities are at all physically and mentally prepared to deal with a huge amount of fans who wish to continue their regular game day routine (seasoned with heavy and loud drinking) is highly questionable, which significantly lowered the level of enthusiasm of a significant part of the fans The team to accompany Southgate's team to Qatar.

The issue of alcohol and the local pub is also reflected at home, when on normal days before the existence of any major tournament, the various restaurants and pubs throughout England embark on a series of public relations and aggressive promotion in order to host the English fans who will not be flying to the upcoming tournament, but the unusual silence and indifference that accompanies the The audience of soccer fans in the Kingdom led to a minimal existence of campaigns among the various bars and restaurants, which reconciled with the fact that despite the approach of the upcoming World Cup,

  • FIFA World Cup

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  • England team

Source: walla

All news articles on 2022-11-17

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