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Director Wissam Abu Hussein: Children's theater is an educational tool that presents constructive projects


Lattakia-SANA The filmmaker's passion began Latakia - SANA Director Wissam Abu Hussein’s passion for theater began with the Youth Theater, then he moved to the university and national theatres. He participated in many specialized festivals inside and outside Syria, and presented performances that won awards, most of which he joined many theatrical groups, including the “Saad Allah Wannous” troupe with director Farhan. Khalil. In an interv

Latakia - SANA

Director Wissam Abu Hussein’s passion for theater began with the Youth Theater, then he moved to the university and national theatres. He participated in many specialized festivals inside and outside Syria, and presented performances that won awards, most of which he joined many theatrical groups, including the “Saad Allah Wannous” troupe with director Farhan. Khalil.

In an interview with SANA, Abu Hussein confirms his keenness to provide committed content that reflects cultural, awareness and educational values, especially when addressing children. This is what he worked on with the “Stories of My Grandfather” project, which is based on monitoring negative aspects in society, addressing them and re-introducing them in an educational way that contributes to raising awareness. the child to adopt positive behaviour.

Abu Hussein believes that theater is an important tool in education. Through the child's theater, intellectual projects and meaningful presentations can be presented due to its high ability to influence the child, which contributes to his adoption of positive behaviours.

Abu Hussein called for activating and supporting theatrical festivals, especially those related to children, and concerted efforts by various educational, artistic, cultural and psychological bodies to overcome the social effects produced by the terrorist war on Syria and its repercussions on the Syrian child.

Abu Hussein presents a proposal to activate the role of the theater through the existence of an organization that regulates the work of artists working in the theater, whose aim is to develop an integrated project in cooperation with psychological counselors to monitor the problems facing society and present them in a well-studied artistic framework.

It is noteworthy that the theater director, Wissam Abu Hussein, had also participated in TV dramas, including (Arab Civilization in its first and second parts, the series Asr Al-Junun, Hulagu, Omar Al-Khayyam, and The Rain Song).

Fatima Nasser

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Source: sena

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