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In a rare event.. Snow covers Jabal Shams in the Sultanate of Oman


Muscat, SANA- Snow fell on the summit of Jabal Shams in the Sultanate of Oman, in a rare event, following an air depression the country is going through. showed


Snow fell on the summit of Jabal Shams in the Sultanate of Oman, in a rare event, following a depression that the country is going through.

The circulated pictures and videos showed the accumulation of snow on the top of the mountain, which is 3,000 meters above sea level, while the Omani monitoring station recorded a temperature of four degrees below zero during the past hours.

Jabal Shams is located in the Wilayat of Al Hamra in the Governorate of A’Dakhiliyah. Its weather is generally moderate, as the temperature does not exceed 24 degrees in summer, which makes it a destination for tourists to enjoy its stunning views.

Jabal Shams is named by this name because it is the first to receive the sun and the last to deposit it in the Sultanate.

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Source: sena

All news articles on 2023-01-26

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