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Opinion The cacophony of the committee of two Israel today


God willing, Omer Adam sings about "Two crazy people". "Maybe he means the committee of two that I dreamed of", you think with a smile, and then it hits you: there really is such a committee

Imagine you wake up one morning to a musical nightmare:

Turn on the radio, and all you hear from morning to night are only songs by Ariel Horowitz and artists like him.

Do you want Omar Adam?

Searching all the stations and there is none.

Do you want to hear maybe some Shoshana Demari or Eden Ben Zaken?


Both do not exist on the scale.

You get scared and start to find out what happened.

It's strange because on the surface everything is fine: in the parallel universe you woke up to, cars drive, people go to work, fall in love, get married and raise families.

It is absolutely possible to live in it without realizing that something in reality is fundamentally distorted, so at first people don't understand what you want from them.

But the more you insist on finding out what happened, the more you start hearing the phrase "Committee of the Two".

Little by little, you manage to find out what happened here: in this universe, for 12 years, four of them in total secrecy and also afterwards while maintaining full confidentiality of the protocol - Ariel Horowitz and his guitarist established a committee with tremendous power: Horowitz and his close partner meet every year and decide which of the Israeli musicians will be eligible to be nominated to be played on Israeli radio.

The accepted candidates are first of all broadcast on the regional radio.

Those about whom there is no doubt and whose artistic line does not deviate too much from that of the members of the committee, will eventually get to enter the Galglatz playlist and influence the nature of Israeli music.

You don't give up.

You arrange a secret meeting with some of the marginalized artists (and these are most of the artists, because I have a very specific musical taste) and ask them how they agree to live like this.

"We're not," one of them answers you sadly - "but when one of us tries to shout that we live in a dictatorship, the media silences it, like they did to Mickey Ganor's testimony in the trial of one of the defendants in the submarine affair, which did not receive any headlines on Channel 12."

The name "Mickey Ganor" wakes you up.

He no longer belongs to the dream.

You run drenched in sweat to the radio and turn it on.

God willing, Omer Adam sings about "Two crazy people".

"Maybe he means the committee of two that I dreamed about", you think with a smile, and then it hits you: there really is such a committee.

Its role is not to make sure that a certain and esoteric pair of musicians will dictate the entire Israeli musical landscape, but that a certain and esoteric pair of judges will dictate the DNA of Israeli judges.

The marginalized whose voices are silenced are not Shoshana Demari Zachara Labaraka and Eden Ben-Zakan, TBA, but for example: residents of South Tel Aviv who suffer from the problem of labor infiltrators; farmers who are not allowed to defend themselves against agricultural terrorism; normative demonstrators in Shiloh who are beaten to death; minors who were taken into administrative detention during a protest Against the disengagement; the residents of Netiv Avot whose permanent homes, which were built with the encouragement of the left-wing government, were destroyed; and the majority of voters in the State of Israel, for whom the sword of Israel is placed on the neck of their Prime Minister.

This is more or less how half of the people feel.

He does not want to eliminate democracy, he wants to participate in it.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-02-23

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