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The attorney general's outline for a plea bargain with Netanyahu: Only with disgrace and not after Netanyahu's testimony in court | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Gali Baharav Miara attaches importance to the opinion of the Chief Prosecutor and the Deputy State Prosecutor. The Attorney General spoke with them about the judges' statement about the lack of chance of proving the bribery offense in Case 4000. It emerged that an outline for a plea bargain with Netanyahu would be very close to the outline proposed by former Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and would not be less than it. This is because Milchan is the last important witness for the prosecution after which the prosecution case will come to a substantial, if informal, conclusion.

Gali Baharav Miara attaches importance to the opinion of the Chief Prosecutor and the Deputy State Prosecutor • The Attorney General spoke with them about the judges' statement about the lack of chance of proving the bribery offense in Case 4000

In conversations between Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara and the prosecution team in Case 4000 and the State Prosecutor, it was agreed that no plea bargain would be signed with Netanyahu that would not entail disgrace that would lead to the end of his career in public service, and that the possibility of signing a settlement was open only until Netanyahu and Elovitch testified in court – after that, according to them, there would be no point in doing so.

Regarding the judges' declaration of the lack of chance of proving the bribery offense in Case 4000, the Attorney General, who is not very familiar with the case, attributes trust and importance to the opinions of Chief Prosecutor Yehudit Tirosh and Deputy State Prosecutor Liat Ben-Ari. They told her in the conversations that although Netanyahu's defense attorney, Boaz Ben-Tzur, had succeeded in damaging the date of the instruction meeting specified in the indictment, they believed that even after the shaky testimony of State witness Filber, it was possible to prove the existence of the meeting and Netanyahu's instruction to Filber to benefit Elovitch.

Liat Ben Ari. Trusted, Photo: Jonathan Zindel/Flash90

This position has an impact on another issue, namely the possibility being considered of filing an indictment against State witness Shlomo Filber, who was declared by Tirosh to be a hostile witness. After all, most of Filber's state testimony was intended to prove the instruction meeting.

Conversations also revealed the judges' statement about the lack of chance of proving the bribery offense in Case 4000 that there are cases in which judges told one of the parties that he was in a legal problem, but in the ruling they ruled in his opinion. The attorney general believes that the judges' statement does not close the possibility of proving the offense of bribery, but rather puts pressure on the prosecution because it opposed mediation and still opposes, and that they did so at this time precisely before Milchan's testimony. This is because Milchan is the last important witness for the prosecution, after which the prosecution case will come to a substantial, if informal, conclusion.

In the internal talks, it emerged that an outline for a plea bargain with Netanyahu would be very close to the outline proposed by former Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and would not be less than it.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-23

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