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Wado de Pedro, from being a presidential candidate for a day to inaugurating a carriage


Highlights: Eduardo "Wado" de Pedro is nominated for senator for Union for the Fatherland. He was anointed -for a day- as the candidate of Cristina Kirchner who finally did not go. De Pedro has fields in that Buenos Aires town, his place in the world and that his reappearance has a hint of nostalgia, refuge and rearmed for the campaign that is coming. "We inaugurated a carousel and other improvements in Plaza Belgrano," Alberto Fernández's interior minister wrote.

The agenda of the Minister of the Interior, now nominated for senator for Union for the Fatherland, this Sunday had a change of expectations. The carousel in its place in the world: Mercedes.

Finally he will go for the official list for senator for the Province of Buenos Aires, but Eduardo "Wado" de Pedro had another agenda designed for these days, after being anointed -for a day- as the candidate of Cristina Kirchner who finally did not go.

The truth is that this Sunday his schedule of activities was more modest. "We inaugurated a carousel and other improvements in Plaza Belgrano," Alberto Fernández's interior minister wrote on Twitter. It was in Mercedes, his town, where Juan Ustarroz, his foster brother, rules.

"The best way to celebrate the anniversary of our beloved Mercedes is to work for children." De Pedro has fields in that Buenos Aires town, his place in the world and that his reappearance after the imposed decision to lower his presidential candidacy has a hint of nostalgia, refuge and rearmed for the campaign that is coming.

The carriage that Wado de Pedro inaugurated in Mercedes. Photo Twitter

Perhaps for this reason, the highest official that La Cámpora contributed to the Frente de Todos government insisted on the symbolic relevance of the modest municipal inauguration. "A space for families, a meeting place for play and friendship," he insisted on Twitter.

The "families" had been referenced in the only video he ever posted.

In fact, that advertising piece that saw the light last Thursday culminated: "I am Wado de Pedro and I want to be president. The president of all Argentine families."

But in less than 24 hours, Wado would go down his K list – in which there was never certainty of formula with Juan Manzur – and become prominent for his gesture by the new official unity candidate, Sergio Massa, who said "Wadito" again through the networks and remember that the desire of the camporista. "You were facing your own challenge," the economy minister and Union for the Fatherland candidate acknowledged.

Peter's Wado on the carousel of politics

Wado de Pedro with his foster brother, Juan Ustarroz, mayor of Mercedes, at the inauguration of a carriage. Photo Twitter

De Pedro had set up a bunker, began to walk the territory as Cristina Kirchner had asked him to consider him the heir of "the decimated generation" and even came to photograph and film with his running mate, in a material that became unpublished, to the anxiety and intrigue of the divers of the archives of what will not be.

Even his communication team, headed by Gustavo Fernández Russo and who marked the formal agenda – one of whichMassa did, split from the one distributed by the Presidency and Gabriela Cerruti months ago – and also the informal one, the one issued by the already famous Twitter account called La Remisería de la Rosada, from where De Pedro's collaborators tried to show him close and, especially, to make him known, beyond the red circles and militancy.

Pedro's Wado went to the inauguration of a carousel in Mercedes, his place. Photo Twitter

"We almost greeted Messi. We were almost candidates for President", was the bittersweet post with which they accompanied the loss of Wado's candidacy, to the disorientation of the hardest militancy of Kirchnerism that, according to the same post, began to "dream" a "path" for the candidate who was not.

The reference to the idol of the National Team was for that time that, when Lionel Scaloni's team arrived in Ezeiza, the fielder was one of those who tried to steal the photo that the world champion footballers did not want to give to the Government. De Pedro, with his collaborators, were on the side of the triumphal arrival. The comparison with the flip of the official formula has, after all, a similarity.

"The carriage has something very significant: it was carried out entirely by municipal workers and worker cooperatives. An expression of commitment, dedication, creativity and construction of a better future, carrying out works for the most beautiful thing we have, childhoods". highlighted the mayor and relative Ustarroz, in front of the illustrious presence and in tone of putting mythology to the work.

Now, Wado de Pedro's agenda leaves another metaphor: in short, this Sunday, as in recent days, was a real buggy.


See also

Elections 2023, after the closing of lists LIVE: "The betrayal", the suggestive post of Daniel Scioli's daughter

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Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-06-26

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