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Spain: towards a return of the right to power?


Highlights: Spain has gone from bipartisanship to "biblocism" in ten years. To the two national parties, the Socialist Party (PSOE) and the People's Party (PP) were added Podemos (radical left), Ciudadanos (liberals) and Vox (far right) The disappearance of Ciudadianos and the absorption ofPodemos by the new Sumar platform complete the restructuring of Spanish politics into two incapable camps. This article is for subscribers only. You still have 79% to discover.

DECRYPTION - The legislative elections, this Sunday, could see an alliance between conservatives and far right win against a divided left bloc.

Who will be at the helm of Spain tomorrow? Conservative Alberto Nunez Feijoo allied with the far right, as polls predict? Or the outgoing socialist, Pedro Sanchez, supported by the radical left and by pro-independence parties, who still believes he can create surprise? Along with a head of government, the 37 million or so Spaniards called to renew the Congress of Deputies and the Senate in Sunday's general elections will choose a bloc to lead them. Because at the end of a big bang of its party system, Spain has gone from bipartisanship to "biblocism" in ten years.

To the two national parties, the Socialist Party (PSOE) and the People's Party (PP, right), which ruled almost unchallenged, were added Podemos (radical left), Ciudadanos (liberals) and Vox (far right). The disappearance of Ciudadanos and the absorption of Podemos by the new Sumar platform complete the restructuring of Spanish politics into two incapable camps...

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-21

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