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Two dead and one wounded in a shooting in Evreux


Highlights: Two people are actively sought. This new case is said to be linked to drug trafficking. Two cars were in a chase when the occupants of the chasing car fired shots at the first vehicle, killing two people and wounding another, apparently all men. According to these sources, one of the perpetrators is known to the police for drug trafficking and is on the run. The ages of the victims were not immediately available. The investigation was entrusted to the territorial direction of the judicial police of Rouen.

Two people are actively sought. This new case is said to be linked to drug trafficking.

Two people were killed and another wounded in the night from Monday to Tuesday, July 25 in the district of La Madeleine in Evreux in a shooting, whose perpetrators are on the run, according to police sources cited by AFP.


It is probably a settling of scores around drugs, "according to these sources, who report "a caliber used that may correspond to Kalashnikov shots".


Two cars were in a chase when the occupants of the chasing car fired shots at the first vehicle, killing two people and wounding another, apparently all men," one of the sources said.

The ages of the victims were not immediately available.

According to these sources, one of the perpetrators is known to the police for drug trafficking.

The investigation was entrusted to the territorial direction of the judicial police of Rouen.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-25

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