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Unity? Let's start with agreements | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The leaders of Israel need to "put the demons of the revolution back in the bottle," writes Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. He calls for a return to a situation similar to the one in which the country was founded. Israel needs to deal with the threat of Iran and the integration of Haredi men into the labor market, he says. Botesach: "We must not forget that Israel's existence is not one of support for anti-Semitic movements in the world"

The effort to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia, the Iranian threat and world Jewry • We have a lot of disagreements that should be resolved ahead of Rosh Hashanah

  • Let us return to a situation similar to the situation in which we lived in this country until nine months ago. In security, in internal security, in our economy, in our international standing, and in the leadership that supported a political solution with our neighbors.
  • Let the leaders of the legal and regime revolution understand that the Israeli public is not being run over, and that it will fight with the legitimate tools at its disposal for its freedom. Let them internalize the grave mistake they made, put the demons of the revolution back in the bottle, and restore the glory of the old one: the start-up state, economic growth, the strength of the shekel, our national strength, our volunteers for reserve duty, the world's appreciation for the Israeli miracle, and our faith in ourselves.
  • A public committee comprising Knesset members and legal experts will be established, which will propose within a predetermined time a draft of the Basic Law on Legislation. The law is supposed to resolve many of the legal disputes raised in recent months regarding the court's authority to invalidate Knesset laws.
  • That the issue of necessary or unnecessary legal changes be removed from the agenda to its rightful place on this ladder, and make room for the real issues on the agenda of Israeli society in strategic and tactical security – education, health, relations with the world's only superpower and its Jews, the cracks that have emerged in Israeli society, and especially the question of the integration of Haredi men, whose share of the population is growing, into the labor market, alongside Haredi women who are entering it more and more, and global warming.
  • The issue of recruitment and permission not to enlist the ultra-Orthodox should be regulated in a way that does not violate the principle of equality and does not force real yeshiva students to perform military service, and the correct way to do so is to compare men and women with regard to the grounds for non-enlistment – religious life and reasons of conscience (Security Service Law, section 39c).
  • That the pilots will fly again, that the officers will return to serve in the reserves, that the high-tech people will not seek relocation, that enough teachers will be found for the younger generation, and that the threat of Hungarianization will be removed.
  • Let a responsible and discretionary minister be appointed for internal security, and that eradicating severe internal violence in the Arab sector be his top priority.
  • Let us give up the hollow calls for unity, and replace them with a great joint effort to reach agreements on the rules of the game.
  • That the effort to reach normalization with Saudi Arabia will succeed, and that it will not serve as a means of circumventing Israel's main interest – a peaceful border between us and the Palestinians – but will bring us closer to it.
  • That progress toward an agreement with the Palestinians will succeed in warming the longstanding peace with Egypt and Jordan, which for the time being remains a cold peace, relevant mainly in the security sphere and non-existent in the realm of relations between the peoples.
  • It should be understood that even the Iranian threat, which is the greatest threat to Israel, is not an existential threat to us, and that it must be dealt with in close cooperation with the United States, and discussed in closed rooms and not in public.
  • Let us understand that the existential threat to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state is our transformation into a minority west of the Jordan River, when we have no eastern border and control, directly or indirectly, the entire territory. If we do not lead to the division of the land, we will find ourselves ruling the majority, through discriminatory laws, denounced from the democratic world, and living in an ongoing and bloody conflict.
  • Let the Israeli leadership remember the existence of world Jewry, and not ignore them when it seeks to make determinations that have direct implications for them, such as the intention to cancel the "grandson clause" that allows entry into Israel, under the Law of Return, even for grandchildren of Jews whose parents are not Jewish.
  • That Jewish considerations will prevail over fleeting interests. Let us not compromise on the Jewish narrative vis-à-vis those who seek to rewrite history in Eastern Europe, and erase the role of the local inhabitants in the monstrous Nazi behavior.
  • Let us know how to beware of approaching anti-Semitic movements around the world, especially in Europe, and not be impressed by the lip candy of some of them and their "support" for Israel. Just as opposition to Israel's existence is one of the manifestations of anti-Semitism, so-called support for Israel does not cleanse these old-new movements of anti-Semitism. We must treat them with a policy of "neither stinging nor stinging."
  • Those who recently came to us from Russia and Ukraine against the background of the war between them will not see Israel as a "night shelter" but as their new home, which wants them very much. Let them not be scrutinized by their, but with a welcome and a pretty face. Let them not delay their immigration under the pretext of legitimacy of their religious affiliation. Our camp will be open to those who define themselves as Jewish by nationality, and not a closed club that any foreigner suspects.
  • Let us finally get off the fence and clearly support Ukraine, which is struggling against an occupier who woke up in the morning and decided to bite into it. Russia did not embark on a specific "operation" (although a Russian citizen who dares to call the current violent conflict a "war" is immediately punished) nor a defensive war, but rather a war of conquest over territories that it believes should be part of it, without any provocation on Ukraine's part. Despite our legitimate interests in maintaining good relations with the tyrannical regime in Russia, there is also a limit to "realpolitik," which the Israeli government has crossed.
  • Let us finally recognize the Armenian Holocaust, even if it will anger the Turks greatly, because there was such a Holocaust, and the people who survived the Holocaust of European Jewry must not deny the annihilation of another people. We are expected to behave a little less cynically.
  • Let us finally join the (big) club of countries whose citizens do not need to present a visa upon arrival at the gates of the United States.
  • Let the United States not become a gerontocracy, in which personalities in their ninth and tenth decade cling to the funds of power and are unwilling to give them up. This unique superpower, with much of the burden of the world's troubles on its shoulders, needs younger forces!

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-15

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