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Exciting: Crocodiles saved a poor puppy | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Indian researchers observed the Swamp crocodiles of the Savitri River in Maharashtra, India, and observed some unusual behaviors. Researchers have documented cases of crocodiles robbing and working together, swimming in coordinated circles around schools of fish. The capacity for empathy in crocodiles is still the subject of heated debate, and requires further investigation. The anecdotal nature of some observations warrants a cautious approach in drawing final conclusions about the mind and emotion of swamp crocodiles. What is clear is that, like many things in nature, we still do not know everything.

Researchers who have observed the crocodiles' behavior for a long time have found that they are also much smarter than we thought, inventing cunning methods of hunting, but perhaps also have a heart and empathy for other animals

Crocodiles are considered the cruelest animal in the world. It is not for nothing that the tears of those who cried are from the lip and stressed are called "crocodile tears." He is also not considered particularly brilliant, but rather reflexive. But recently, scientists have uncovered a series of crocodile behaviors that present them in a whole new light. We used ChatGPT to share this crazy discovery:

A study published in the Journal of Threatened Taxa on August 26 caused a stir among nature researchers and enthusiasts. This is because it presents compelling evidence that swamp crocodiles may have a much higher level of mental and emotional intelligence than previously believed. The Indian researchers observed the Swamp crocodiles of the Savitri River in Maharashtra, India, and observed some unusual behaviors.

One of the most intriguing observations showed a tendency for crocodiles to hunt in packs. Researchers have documented cases of crocodiles robbing and working together, swimming in coordinated circles around schools of fish. This unique behavior creates a vortex that prevents the fish from swimming above or below the crocodiles to escape. While such co-hunting has been anecdotal reported in other crocodile species, the new study offers further insight into the complexity of their social interactions.

Another fascinating discovery is the use of sticks as bait. Crocodiles placed sticks on their snout, ostensibly to lure waterfowl like herons. These birds are looking for sticks to build a nest, and the competition for large twigs can be fierce. In the eyes of crocodiles, a conveniently placed branch may cause herons to get close enough to ensure a light meal. This behavior echoes observations from 2013, which documented similar cases.

Moreover, the study indicates an unusual attraction shown by crocodiles to marigold flowers, which are thrown into the river during funeral ceremonies. The crocodiles approached the colorful strangers, but did not interact with them or eat them. The researchers speculate that crocodiles may be attracted to strangers due to their vibrant colors and antibacterial properties. However, it remains unclear whether these observations are merely coincidence or have deeper significance.

But the researchers' most astonishing report includes an incident in which three crocodiles allegedly rescued a puppy from a pack of adult wild dogs. Instead of turning the dog into prey, the crocodiles led it away from danger and in a safe direction on the riverbank. While the authors interpret this as an act of empathy, indicating concern for the dog's well-being, other experts recommend taking extra care in anthropomorphizing these actions. The capacity for empathy in crocodiles is still the subject of heated debate, and requires further investigation.

Crocodiles rescue a puppy from wild dogs, photo: Utkarsha Chavan

As intriguing as these findings may be, scientists emphasize the need for rigorous research to substantiate them. The anecdotal nature of some observations warrants a cautious approach in drawing final conclusions about the mind and emotion of swamp crocodiles. What is clear is that, like many things in nature, we still do not know everything.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-21

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