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Opinion | And what about "between man and his friend"? This time it's hard to advocate for gender segregation | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The polarized climate in recent months has been the main spark that led to the current conflagration. The question was sophisticated and sophisticated: Which is worse, desecrating Shabbat or Yom Kippur? On the one hand, observants of Torah and mitzvot who are willing to be killed and who will not cross the line between Judaism and idolatry. On the other side are the people of the finger in the eye, who flout the law, according to them, to pray like criminals.

Many keyboard righteous people rolled their eyes at the sky and asked how it is possible that in the Land of Israel the High Court of Justice does not allow Jews to pray in the public sphere • Don't believe the bots that write from a position - this is really not the case today • The polarized climate in recent months has been the main spark that led to the current conflagration

As befits adulthood in the Talmud, the question was sophisticated and sophisticated: Which is worse, desecrating Shabbat or Yom Kippur? Its goal was to thwart those who answered immediately - Yom Kippur! Those who prayed knew that the punishment in the Torah for desecrating the Sabbath (stoning) is more severe than the punishment for desecrating Yom Kippur (cutting, meaning excommunication and death from Heaven), and therefore desecrating the Sabbath day is the more severe.

I thought about the pepper when the sights came from Dizengoff Square. On the one hand, observants of Torah and mitzvot who are willing to be killed and who will not cross the line between Judaism and idolatry. And on the other side are the people of the finger in the eye, who flout the law, whose Kol Nidre prayer allowed them, according to them, to pray like criminals on the streets of the city between the two sides of the partition.
No one stopped the Jewish head from praying in the squares of Tel Aviv and in the streets of the secular city. This has been done over the past two years, and with great success, without interference from the secular public. But in the current polarized climate, any routine is grounds for war.

Just before the fast begins: Clashes at Dizengoff Square over gender segregation during Kippur prayers // Photo: Eitan Elhadez/TPS

Therefore, it is no coincidence that even after the judges' ruling, members of the Jewish head tried to add separation fences, in conscious contravention of the ruling. Many righteous people rolled their eyes at the sky and asked how is it possible that in the Land of Israel the High Court of Justice does not allow Jews to pray? Don't believe position bots, that's really not the case now.

As someone who grew up in a tent of Torah, I often stand at the right hand of the clerics, most of whom are people of faith and oriented toward doing good. This time, I cannot advocate for the people of the "Jewish head." On the eve of last Yom Kippur, one separation partition was placed too many. The Mishna in Tractate Yoma states that "transgressions between a person and a place, Yom Kippur atones; Between him and his friend, Yom Kippur does not atone until he pleases his friend." It seems that we did not memorize this in Dizengoff Square during the Kol Nidre prayer.

Clashes at Dizengoff Square over attempts to hold the Kippur prayer with gender segregation, photo: Gideon Markowitz

The pedantry of the Jewish head is what de facto established the secular state. The "(secular) captive baby" was freed from his tolerance. As a traditional Jew, I don't want anyone of his faith to live, and it's not up to me to determine what Judaism is right for others. But so are the people of the Jewish head – they are not the ones who will determine for all of us what Judaism is and how it should be practiced. At the end of all the halachic wriggles and quibbles, their desire was to impose their vision on Israeli secularism.

This clash is what caused the desecration of God's name in public, in the streets of the city, and the most mass desecration of Yom Kippur seen in Israel since the Yom Kippur War.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-25

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