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Mattarella 'firmly condemns traitorous attack' on Israel


Highlights: Mattarella 'firmly condemns traitorous attack' on Israel. Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Saturday strongly condemned the "traitorous attack" unleashed by Hamas against Israel. Several dozen people are reported to have died and hundreds have been injured. Israeli Premier Benyamin Netanyahu has described the attacks as "a war" Meanwhile, the health ministry in Gaza said that so far 161Palestinians had been killed and 931 injured. The emergency first aid service MagenDavid Adom reported that more than 40 Israelis had died.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Saturday strongly condemned the "traitorous attack" unleashed by Hamas against Israel in which several dozen people are reported to have died and hundreds have been injured. © ANSA

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 7 - Italian President Sergio Mattarella onSaturday strongly condemned the "traitorous attack" unleashed byHamas against Israel in which several dozen people are reportedto have died and hundreds have been injured.
   "I have learned with deep consternation the news of the attackthat since dawn this morning has involved several regions of theState of Israel," said Mattarella in a message to his Israelicounterpart President Isaac Herzog.
   "In these dramatic circumstances, let Italy's expressions ofsolidarity reach you, Mr. President, and all Israeli citizens.
   We sincerely sympathise with the bereaved families of thevictims and wish the many injured a speedy and completerecovery," he continued. "I would also like to reiterate my firmest and most convincedcondemnation of this traitorous attack, which attacks Israel'ssecurity and distances the prospect of a lasting peace - hopedfor and felt to be necessary by all - between Israelis andPalestinians," concluded Mattarella.
   On Saturday afternoon the emergency first aid service MagenDavid Adom reported that more than 40 Israelis had been killedby the rocket shower from the Gaza Strip and other attacks byarmed groups linked to Hamas.
   The same source said 740 people have also been injured in theattacks, which Israeli Premier Benyamin Netanyahu has describedas "a war".
   "Citizens of Israel, we are at war and it is not just anoperation, it is really a war," said Netanyahu, adding that hehad given the order to the army to call up reservists and to"respond to the war with impetuosity and on a scale that theenemy has not known until now".
   "The enemy will pay a price it has never had to pay. We willwin," he added.
   Meanwhile, the health ministry in Gaza said that so far 161Palestinians had been killed and 931 injured.
   Gaza sources say these numbers include Hamas fighters whoentered Israel at the start of the attack and were killed infighting with the Israeli army. (ANSA).

Source: ansa

All news articles on 2023-10-07

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