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Israel-Gaza War, Live | Israel confirms 1,200 deaths and more than 2,700 wounded


Highlights: Israel confirms 1,200 deaths and more than 2,700 wounded. Israeli army says Syria has launched rockets on its territory and responds with mortar and artillery bombs. Biden: "Let's Make Sure Israel Has What It Needs to Defend Itself" EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, calls for increased European support for Palestine: "We must increase our humanitarian aid to the victims". EL PAÍS offers for free the last hour of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Israeli army says Syria has launched rockets on its territory and responds with mortar and artillery bombs | Biden: "Let's Make Sure Israel Has What It Needs to Defend Itself" | Borrell calls for increased European support for Palestine: "We must increase our humanitarian aid to the victims"

EL PAÍS offers for free the last hour of the Arab-Israeli conflict. If you want to support our journalism, subscribe.

The Israeli government has confirmed that the death toll in its territory after the attack by the Palestinian Hamas militia has risen to 1,200 people, according to a spokesman quoted by the Reuters agency. The same source has assured that there are more than 2,700 injured. Shelling on the Gaza Strip has killed at least 900 people and wounded more than 4,600, according to the Health Ministry. During the early hours of Tuesday to Wednesday, the Israeli army has executed almost a hundred bombings against alleged Hamas targets in the center of the Gaza Strip, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The military said the airstrikes were concentrated in the area of Daraj Tufah, which it said serves as a central place from which Hamas militants launch their offensives. The IDF also attacked a building allegedly used by Islamic Jihad and killed several Hamas militants at the Erez crossing, the main border crossing between Gaza and Israel. On Tuesday afternoon, the Israeli army detected rocket fire from Syria hitting its territory, to which it responded with artillery fire and mortar bombs. Throughout the day, Israeli forces intensified their bombardment of Gaza and claimed to have regained control of the border. Hamas responded with an attack on the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon. On the diplomatic level, US President Joe Biden has affirmed that the US "clearly" supports Israel. "We're going to make sure he has what he needs to defend himself," he said. For his part, the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, stressed that humanitarian support to Palestine will continue.

  • Photo gallery | Clashes between Israel and Hamas

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Israel Heading for 'All-Out Offensive' in Gaza, 'Never to Be What It Was'

Antonio Pita

Bombardment of Gaza intensifies, despite the presence of at least 130 Israeli captives, and Hamas responds with a barrage of rockets on Ashkelon

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 06:27


First plane with evacuees from Israel lands in Spain

The military plane of the Ministry of Defense of Spain that has transferred tonight from Tel Aviv (Israel) to 200 Spaniards and citizens of the European Union and other countries, has landed about 04.30 this Wednesday at the Torrejón de Ardoz Air Base in the Community of Madrid, as confirmed by EFE. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, announced about 01.00 hours tonight through the social network X the takeoff of the plane: "They return home. A Ministry of Defense plane has just taken off from Tel Aviv with more than 200 Spaniards, EU citizens and third country citizens residing in Spain."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation thanked the work of his department and the embassy and consulate of Spain in Israel for their "work guaranteeing protection and security of Spain abroad". The Ministry of Defense sent two A330 aircraft on Tuesday afternoon to bring some 500 Spaniards displaced by tourism or business to Israel, according to information provided at an event to the media by the acting Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles. The evacuation of the passage of this first plane has been coordinated with the Spanish embassy in Israel and has been carried out normally, since the Tel Aviv airport is insured.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 05:51


Victim Update | Around 1,200 dead in Israel and more than 2,700 wounded

The death toll in Israel following Hamas attacks stands at 1,200 people and more than 2,700 wounded, according to an Israeli government spokesman quoted by Reuters. According to the latest official count, the country's bombs on the Gaza Strip have killed 900 Palestinians, including 260 children and 230 women. In addition, 4,600 people have been wounded in the enclave since the beginning of the conflict, Gaza's health ministry said.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 05:49

Elias Camhaji

Israel-Gaza War

Mexico evacuates more than 270 citizens from Israel-Gaza war

Elias Camhaji

Hundreds of Mexicans caught in the middle of the war between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas are already heading home. The two humanitarian flights organized by the Government of Mexico have departed this Tuesday from Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv towards Mexican territory. The first carried 130 passengers and the second, which took off a few hours later, was carrying another 135, according to Foreign Secretary Alicia Barcena. More than 500 nationals, mostly tourists, made requests for support to the Foreign Ministry and during the week there was talk of around 300 who asked to be evacuated from Israel and the Palestinian territories after the outbreak of war on October 7.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 04:54


Canada will repatriate its citizens in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank in the coming days

Canada will begin repatriating its citizens in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank in the coming days, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly said Tuesday. The minister acknowledged in a message posted on the social network X, formerly Twitter, that many Canadians want to return home, but "have no way to do it safely." "We will help them. We are planning the start of departures from Tel Aviv in the coming days with the help of aircraft from the Canadian Armed Forces," the Canadian minister added.

Air Canada, Canada's largest airline, temporarily suspended flights to Israel following Saturday's attacks. Repatriation flights will be available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, their spouses and their children. On Tuesday, it emerged that attacks launched Saturday from Gaza by militants of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas killed two Canadians. At least three others are missing. Officially, 1,419 Canadians are registered at the Canadian embassy in Tel Aviv while 492 are in Gaza and the West Bank. The notification of the evacuation of the Canadian citizens comes as the Israeli military is considering launching a ground offensive on Gaza following Saturday's attacks that left some 900 people dead in Israeli territory. Israeli bombardment of Gaza has caused at least 900 deaths and 4,500 injuries, according to Palestinian officials.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 04:16

Diego Sanchez

Israeli Lee Kauperman (Tel Aviv, 33 years old) upon arrival at Madrid airport with her aunt Rosana. / Diego Sanchez

An Israeli citizen, after landing in Spain: "In Tel Aviv you don't see the bombs, but the ears don't stop beeping because of the explosions"

Lee Kauperman (Tel Aviv, 33 years old) has just landed in Madrid with a 3-year-old girl to leave behind the traumatic situation that has shaken Israel these days. Her aunt Rosana lives in Madrid and has decided to put her job as a film producer on hold to ensure safety for her daughter. "I am so horrified by the violence in my country that I have decided to come until everything stabilizes. My husband is there, but the husband of one of my best friends was killed a few days ago."

One of the things that has most impacted Kauperman is the constant noise of the bombings: "In Tel Aviv you don't see the bombs in the air, but the ears don't stop beeping because of the explosions. Many of us have post-traumatic stress." She denounces that, despite the reprisals of the Israeli Government, she has felt abandoned by the Executive of Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister: "They do not even know what happened. A strategic mistake occurred and they didn't put the army in places that were known to be dangerous."

Regarding the blockade of the Gaza Strip, he admits that he does not want any harm for the civilian population, but believes that it is urgent to do something against Hamas terrorism. "It hurts me a lot that innocent people are not going to receive food. Many times I have donated money to humanitarian causes that end up in the hands of terrorists. It is necessary to put an end to Hamas, which is the one that really pulls the strings." Although her desire is to return, she admits to being so tired of the situation that she does not rule out staying in Spain and schooling her daughter.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 03:42


America rushes the evacuation plan of its citizens in Israel

Several governments in the Americas are taking urgent steps to evacuate their citizens from Israel, following attacks launched this weekend by militants of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. At least 14 Americans, 7 Argentines, 2 Canadians, 2 Brazilians, 2 Peruvians and one Chilean are among the victims of Hamas' attack on Israeli territory, according to the latest official figures. Four of the latest victims confirmed Tuesday were Peruvian-Israeli Brando David Flores Garcia, 21, who was serving the last days of his military service at a base near the Gaza border; Peruvian-Israeli doctor Daniel Levi, missing after Saturday's attacks; the Chilean Gina Pak, whose death was confirmed by the Foreign Ministry of the South American country, and the Brazilian Bruna Valeanu, 24, who like her compatriot Ranani Nidejelski Glazer was at the music festival where Hamas murdered about 260 people.

U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed that U.S. citizens were among those abducted by Hamas, though he did not specify the exact number. The State Department speaks of at least 20 missing. Some 15 Argentines, 3 Peruvians, 2 Mexicans (allegedly kidnapped by Hamas), 2 Colombians, 2 Paraguayans, one Chilean and one Brazilian were reported missing by their respective governments without confirming at the moment if they are in the hands of Hamas. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay and Peru are some of the American countries that already have evacuation operations underway for their citizens.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 02:41


Palestine envoy to the United Nations accuses Israel's bombing and siege of Gaza Strip as 'genocidal' acts

Riad Mansour, Palestine's envoy to the United Nations, on Tuesday described Israel's bombardment of the strip, as well as the siege the Jewish state has established over the enclave to suffocate Hamas, as a "genocidal" act. "Such blatant dehumanization, attempts to bomb a people into submission, to use starvation as a method of warfare and eradicate their national existence are nothing short of genocidal [acts]," he wrote in a letter to the UN Security Council seen by Reuters.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 02:01


Israel carries out almost a hundred air strikes against Hamas in Gaza at dawn

Israel has carried out during the early hours of Wednesday almost a hundred air strikes against Hamas targets in central Gaza. This was reported by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), which specified that the attacks were concentrated in the area of Daraj Tufah, which they explained serves as a central place from which Hamas militants launch their attacks. The IDF also attacked a building allegedly used by Islamic Jihad and announced that it killed several Hamas militants at the Erez crossing, the main border crossing between Gaza and Israel.

Last night Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops killed "three terrorists" in the coastal city of Ashkelon, 56 km south of Tel Aviv. An IDF spokesperson publicly explained that "IDF soldiers supported by helicopters and an unmanned aerial vehicle held an exchange of fire with a group of terrorists in an Ashkelon industrial park." "Soldiers killed three terrorists and continue to conduct searches in the area," the spokesman added.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 01:51

Elias Camhaji

Guerra entre Israel y Gaza

El primer vuelo humanitario de México despega de Israel con 135 pasajeros

Elías Camhaji

El primero de dos vuelos previstos para la repatriación de mexicanos ya despegó de Israel. Así lo confirmó este martes la secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Alicia Bárcena. Las autoridades informan de 135 pasajeros que evacuaron la zona de conflicto tres días después del estallido de la guerra entre las tropas israelíes y el grupo islamista Hamás, que gobierna Gaza. Más de 500 ciudadanos mexicanos, la mayoría turistas, enviaron solicitudes de apoyo a la Cancillería, aunque se habla de 300 que han pedido la repatriación, de acuerdo con los comunicados publicados esta semana.

Puede leer la información completa aquí. 

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 01:10


Llega a Israel el primer avión con ayuda de armamento procedente de Estados Unidos

El primer avión cargado con munición avanzada procedente de Estados Unidos aterrizó durante las últimas horas en la base aérea de Nevatim, en el sur de Israel, según el portavoz de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI), general Daniel Hagari. Hagari explicó que “las municiones están destinadas a permitir ataques significativos y preparar otros escenarios”. El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, prometió este martes que su país dará a Israel todo lo que necesite para defenderse en respuesta al ataque que perpetró el sábado Hamás y que ha provocado una escalada de violencia con centenares de víctimas mortales en ambos lados.

En un discurso en la Casa Blanca, Biden confirmó además que hay ciudadanos estadounidenses entre los secuestrados por Hamás y elevó a 14 la cifra de nacionales de su país que han muerto en Israel. “Debemos ser absolutamente claros: estamos junto a Israel”, dijo el mandatario en este discurso en el que estuvo flanqueado por la vicepresidenta estadounidense, Kamala Harris, y el secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Antony Blinken.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 00:26

María R. SahuquilloJefa de la delegación de Bruselas

EU warns X that platform is used to misinform after Hamas attacks and calls on Musk to take action

Internal Market and Services Commissioner Thierry Breton warned on Tuesday that the X social network (formerly Twitter) is being used following Hamas attacks to spread disinformation.

In an "urgent" letter, Breton reminded Elon Musk, CEO of X, that the platform must follow the digital services law, which establishes obligations on content moderation and has urged him to take action. "We have reports from qualified sources that warn of potentially illegal content circulating on your service, despite urgent warnings from the relevant authorities," says the letter that the Commissioner for Internal Market has disseminated on the X network itself.

Musk has responded that the social network is based on a "transparent" code and has urged Breton to list the violations "so that the public can see them," he also wrote in X.

ACT.10 OCT 2023 - 22:19

The Country

Israel says Syria has fired rockets on its territory

Israel's military said Tuesday that several missiles from Syria have hit Israeli territory without causing any injuries. Israel, according to military sources, has responded to the attack with artillery and mortar fire. Syria is the second state from which Israel has been attacked so far. Following last weekend's wave of Hamas attacks and kidnappings, guerrilla groups infiltrated the country from Lebanon, clashing with Israeli soldiers. Israel responded by bombing Hezbollah positions in the south of that country. (REUTERS)

ACT.10 OCT 2023 - 22:22

The Country

What has happened in the last few hours

Here are the main news at 21.45 about the clashes in Israel and Gaza following Saturday's attack by Palestinian militias:

Israel is heading toward a "full offensive" in Gaza, which "will never be what it was" again. This has been assured by the Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, after the increase in Israeli bombing in Palestinian territory.

Joe Biden announces that the United States will ensure that "Israel has everything it needs to defend itself." The US president has ratified his support for Israel and has recognized the "obligation" of the Middle Eastern country to defend itself.

Borrell calls for increasing European support for Palestine and humanitarian aid for the victims. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Policy has said that "some actions by Israel, such as cutting off water, electricity or a food blockade, are not in accordance with international law."

Hamas bombs the Israeli city of Ashkelon. The Islamist militia has responded to Israel's offensive by attacking the city, located in southern Israel and with 170,000 inhabitants.

Death tolls in the conflict are rising. The bombing of the Strip has killed at least 900 Palestinians and left more than 4,600 wounded. On the Israeli side there are more than 900 fatalities and 2,600 wounded.

WHO calls for the creation of a humanitarian corridor to get aid to the people of Gaza. The Rafah crossing, on the border with Egypt, is the only exit from Gaza that is not under Israeli control, but Egypt announced its closure on Tuesday.

ACT.10 OCT 2023 - 21:45


Israel Heading for 'All-Out Offensive' in Gaza, 'Never to Be What It Was'

Antonio Pita

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Tuesday that Israel is heading towards a "complete offensive" in the Gaza Strip, after intensifying the harshness of its bombing and killing two leaders of Hamas, the Islamist armed organization that on Saturday caused at least 900 deaths in the deadliest attack that the country remembers in its territory. In the images arriving from the Palestinian territory, you can see blocks of entire buildings reduced to rubble, despite the fact that the militias of the Strip have in their hands at least 130 Israelis, captured in the operation. At five o'clock in the afternoon, local time (four o'clock in mainland Spain), the armed wing of Hamas, the Brigades of Ezedin al Qasam, has launched, as it had warned, a volley of rockets on Ashkelon, a city in southern Israel with 170,000 inhabitants.

Read the full story here.

ACT.10 OCT 2023 - 21:41


Blinken Plans to Visit Israel to Meet with Israeli Leaders

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken plans to arrive in Israel on Thursday to meet with the territory's top leaders, a U.S. State Department spokesman told a news conference.

ACT.10 OCT 2023 - 21:22

The Country


Joe Biden: "We will make sure Israel has everything it needs to defend itself"

Macarena Vidal Liy

The United States will guarantee that Israel "is capable of defending itself today, tomorrow, as we have always done," Joe Biden said in a speech at the White House. Accompanied by his vice president, Kamala Harris, and Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, the US president has been clearly angry and moved to confirm that several US citizens are among the hostages of Hamas, and there are already 14 victims of this nationality in the surprise attack of the Palestinian extremist group against Israel launched over the weekend. An attack that Biden has described as "pure evil."

ACT.10 OCT 2023 - 21:14


Victims Update | Some 900 killed in Gaza

The Palestinian death toll stands at 900, including 260 children and 230 women. In addition, there are 4,600 wounded people in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the conflict, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health.

ACT.10 OCT 2023 - 21:14

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Source: elparis

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