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Israel-Gaza War, Live


Highlights: Israel-Gaza War, Live. Gaza Lost Electricity as Israeli Army Posts 300,000 Troops on Border with Gaza Strip. Foreign Ministry confirms the death of the Spanish Maya Villalobo, 19, who was doing military service near Gaza. Israel is preparing a ground operation against the enclave, where the dead already exceed 1,100 and there are more than 5,300 people wounded. The Strip has been left without electricity this noon after stopping the only plant it has due to the lack of fuel derived from the blockade exercised by Israel.

Gaza Lost Electricity as Israeli Army Posts 300,000 Troops on Border with Gaza Strip | Foreign Ministry confirms the death of the Spanish Maya Villalobo, 19, who was doing military service near Gaza | Israel maintains bombardment of the enclave

EL PAÍS offers for free the last hour of the Arab-Israeli conflict. If you want to support our journalism, subscribe.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that "every member of Hamas is a dead man" during the presentation of the national unity government on Wednesday. Two former heads of the armed forces from opposition parties have joined the War Cabinet. The Israeli army, which has bombed about 200 targets in Gaza during this morning, has deployed 300,000 soldiers on the border with the Strip, according to the Ministry of Defense. Israel is preparing a ground operation against the enclave, where the dead already exceed 1,100 and there are more than 5,300 people wounded, according to the Ministry of Health of Gaza. Casualties in Israel amount to 1,200 people killed and 3,192 wounded. The Strip has been left without electricity this noon after stopping the only plant it has due to the lack of fuel derived from the blockade exercised by Israel. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the death of the Spanish Maya Villalobo Sinvany, 19, with dual Spanish and Israeli nationality, who was doing military service at a base near Gaza.

  • Photo gallery | The images of the war between Gaza and Israel

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The first group of returnees from the war in Israel arrives in Mexico

Almudena Barragán

The first Mexicans repatriated from Israel are already home. A plane of the Mexican Air Force has landed this Wednesday at the Felipe Angeles International Airport with 143 people on board. Among the travelers are residents of Israel and tourists who were visiting the country when the war with Hamas broke out.

Read the full information here.

ACT.12 OCT 2023 - 05:43

Europa Press

More than 338,000 displaced in Gaza Strip, UN says

Israeli army shelling has displaced 338,934 people in the Gaza Strip, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Two-thirds of these people (218,597) are in schools of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), another 105,500 are sheltering with relatives and neighbours, while 14,837 are in Palestinian authority facilities.

OCHA has indicated that "intense Israeli bombardment from air, sea and land has continued almost uninterrupted throughout the Gaza Strip, demolishing entire sections of neighborhoods." It adds that Palestinian forces, in turn, "indiscriminately fire rockets at Israeli population centers."

ACT.12 OCT 2023 - 05:32

Europa Press

U.S. raises travel warning for Israel, West Bank to level three

The government of President Joe Biden has raised on Wednesday to level three the travel warning for Israel and the West Bank, while maintaining at the highest level of alert travel recommendations to the Gaza Strip, following the conflict that broke out between Hamas and the Israeli army.

For reasons of "armed conflict, terrorism and civil unrest", the US authorities have marked both countries with this label risk. With regard to Gaza, the White House notes that its government "cannot provide routine or emergency services to the American citizens" who are there. It adds that people remaining in Gaza must be "prepared for an indefinite stay" because the borders with Israel and Egypt "can be closed without warning and for long periods of time."

ACT.12 OCT 2023 - 03:59

The Country

The UN Security Council will discuss the conflict between Israel and Palestine on Friday

The United Nations Security Council will meet this Friday to discuss the escalation in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, a diplomatic source confirmed to EFE. On Sunday, following Hamas' attack on Israel, a first emergency meeting was held behind closed doors. At the time, there was no unanimous condemnation. The new meeting of the Security Council will be held at 15:00 p.m. local time in New York, although its format has not yet been finalized.

The death toll stands at 1,200 in Israeli territory and 1,100 in the Strip since Saturday. The Strip has been left without electricity this afternoon after stopping the only plant it has due to the lack of fuel derived from the blockade exercised by Israel, which has placed 300,000 soldiers on the border. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees has warned that the number of people displaced as a result of the airstrikes has increased by 30% in recent hours.

ACT.12 OCT 2023 - 02:45

The Country

The Government of Mexico warns that "in the next few hours" the first returnees will land in the country

The Government of Mexico has reported that "in the next few hours" the first Mexicans repatriated from Israel and Palestine will land in the country. The plane with 135 people on board has made its last stop in Raleigh, North Carolina, before arriving in Mexico. More than 500 nationals, mostly tourists, made requests for support to the Foreign Ministry.

Mexican authorities have organized two humanitarian flights that departed Tuesday from Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport. The first carries 135 passengers and the second, which took off a few hours later, carries another 141, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

ACT.12 OCT 2023 - 02:11


The German Chancellor asks to guarantee the "security" of the Jewish population in the country

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Wednesday night called on Germans to stand in solidarity with the country's Jewish population and ensure their safety. "I ask for the support of all citizens so that together we can guarantee the safety of our fellow Jewish citizens, and for this we must stand in solidarity with them," he said on ARD television. In that way, he condemned the clashes that occurred during the pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

"We cannot accept it," Scholz said of the anti-Semitic messages heard at pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Germany since Hamas' attack on Israel over the weekend. Despite the ban on demonstrations, a hundred people gathered in the afternoon in the Berlin neighborhood of Neukölln in support of the Palestinians. The atmosphere was tense and protesters were surrounded by police forces.

The Bild tabloid has also reported tonight incidents close to a demonstration in support of Israel in Chemnitz in eastern Germany. Several dozen people carrying Palestinian flags attacked several protesters carrying Israeli flags, witnesses told the newspaper. And on Saturday, the day of Hamas' offensive against Israel, Berlin police reported that people were "celebrating the attacks against Israel by handing out cakes" in the Neukölln neighborhood.

ACT.12 OCT 2023 - 01:14


Biden says he never thought he would be "confirmed images of terrorists beheading children" and the White House corrects him shortly after.

US President Joe Biden has told leaders of the Jewish community in the country that Hamas' attack on Israel was "pure cruelty" and that he has confirmed "images of terrorists beheading children." "It's important for Americans to see what's going on. I've been doing this for a long time and I never thought I would see and have confirmed images of terrorists beheading children," he said. Hours later, however, the White House corrected the president's words, according to a journalist from The Washington Post in X.

The Israeli army had denounced that Hamas militants had killed "women, children, babies and the elderly who were brutally massacred in the manner of the Islamic State" during the attack on Kibbutz Kfar Aza. Hamas, however, denied in subsequent statements that it had "killed children, beheaded and attacked civilians" during its attack on Israel on Saturday and said the "accusations" had been "fabricated" by Israeli soldiers.

Following Biden's remarks Wednesday, a White House spokesman clarified to a reporter from The Washington Post that the president "has not independently viewed images or confirmed such reports." In the letter published by reporter Evan Hill on social networks, it is read that "the president based his comments" on statements by government spokesmen and Israeli media.

In his speech, the president reiterated the support shown by the United States to Israel. The U.S. government has sent the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford and a group of U.S. Navy destroyers to the Eastern Mediterranean, and in the coming days will send a second aircraft carrier as part of its efforts to prevent an escalation of the conflict. In addition, it has transferred experts to the country to help in the recovery of hostages.

ACT.12 OCT 2023 - 06:10

Europa Press

The acting Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, has ended this Wednesday "successfully" the operation of evacuation of Spaniards in Israel although he has indicated that the Government is "very aware" of the almost 10,000 Spaniards who have remained in both Israel and Palestine.

In a video released by the ministry, after receiving at the Torrejón de Ardoz air base (Madrid) on Wednesday night the second military plane chartered by Spain with 220 people, Albares said that the Executive "culminates" the operation of bringing to Spain those citizens who were blocked in Israel.

In addition, he has recommended to the almost 10,000 Spaniards who are between Israel and the Palestinian territories that they follow the instructions transmitted by the Israeli Embassy and the Consulate General in Jerusalem. "They have a whole country behind them," he said. He has also indicated that "if circumstances require it", the Government will also act "quickly for them".

In this second aircraft flew 220 people, of which 149 are Spanish, 15 EU citizens, 36 Latin Americans and 20 from third countries (who are relatives of the Spaniards, residents in Spain and residents in other countries, who have been included in the flight at the request of the authorities of their countries).

In total, Spain has already evacuated 429 people from Israel: 334 Spaniards, 22 Europeans, 41 Ibero-Americans and 32 from third countries.

ACT.12 OCT 2023 - 02:05

The Country

Saudi Arabia and Turkey discuss the situation in Gaza

Saudi Arabia's crown prince and strongman Mohammed bin Salman spoke by phone with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday, according to the official Saudi news agency. According to the statement, the Arab kingdom is "making tireless efforts" regionally and internationally to stop the escalation of the war between Israel and Hamas.

The crown prince said in the statement the need to stop any Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, according to the agency. "Saudi Arabia strongly supports the Palestinian cause and attempts to achieve a comprehensive and just peace."

Erdogan told bin Salman on Wednesday that Turkey had begun work to bring humanitarian aid to civilians affected by the war, according to a statement from the Turkish presidency.

ACT.11 OCT 2023 - 23:23

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Source: elparis

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