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Can't digest: How do we proceed when two female employees are murdered, one hospital worker and the chef is hired? | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Omri Kauftail opened the Mana restaurant about two years ago in a charming spot on Hayarkon Street in Tel Aviv. At the age of 26, after tremendous effort and investment, he opened, together with Yinon Elal, the chef who became a partner, a best friend, and the brain of everything we do. When two female employees were murdered, one worker was injured in a hospital (our beloved Maayan Zubari) and when your chef is not available because he is busy defending communities near the Gaza Strip, how do we continue?

The "Iron Swords" war hit Omri Kauftail, the owners of the Mana and Lunel restaurants, as hard as possible • Two waitresses were murdered at the nature party, another employee was injured and hospitalized, and the chef and partner, Yinon Elal, in Order 8 since October 7 • Now he tells Israel Hayom about the unsuccessful attempts so far, to try and create a kind of routine • Special column

Not many people know, but a restaurant is a living creature in every respect. Its organs are the technological and culinary equipment, the brain is the chef and cooks and the heart is the hospitality staff that smiles at you diners and provides service. When the restaurant is not operating continuously, the organs wear out, when the chef is in reserve the brain lacks the ability to think and renew, and when your Flor employees go to a party on a weekend and do not return, the heart will no longer be what it was.

I opened the Mana restaurant about two years ago in a charming spot on Hayarkon Street in Tel Aviv. A total of 40 seats and a small staff that accompanies us for a long time, family. Everyone does everything and everyone knows everyone. We opened it a little after the coronavirus, we had dreams of a small restaurant doing great things, and against all odds we succeeded. At the age of 26, after tremendous effort and investment, I opened, together with Yinon Elal, the chef who became a partner, a best friend, and the brain of everything we do, our second restaurant, "Lonelle".

Maya Haim and Karina Prittika worked at Mana for nearly a year. They were best friends. At first they were afraid to start because they didn't live in Tel Aviv and had to take a long drive every morning, but slowly they were convinced. The atmosphere was good, the money was good and they mostly found a warm home to go through things that every twenty-year-old after the army experiences and goes through - heartbreak, separation, a new relationship, plans for the future.

Maya and Karina had to go to South America in November, the Nova was supposed to be a grand opening in Israel for their crazy trip, the crazy dream they were on their way to fulfill, and we were so happy for them. After a tough Friday morning shift, Maayan, another of our employees, came to pick them up – and the three of them went out together to celebrate life. They thought they were separating from the land and the spring, but they didn't know it was a real separation. At 4:30 A.M., we still received updates and pictures from the party in the restaurant's group. But they didn't come back.

Omri Kauftail (right) and chef Yinon Elal, photo: David Moyal

Maya Haim had a mature and precise worldview, an amazing smile and a desire and ability to provide human service to people. Karina was like a sun on earth, with constant energy and crazy agility, she could take over an entire restaurant on her own without it hurting the customer. Our hearts are broken, and as long as we are here we will work to commemorate them in every way.

At 10:30 A.M., shortly after contact with Maya and Karina was cut off, I received a phone call that he was already in Order 8. I'm not going to lie, the first time I was shocked, how do we continue? When two female employees were murdered, one worker was injured in a hospital (our beloved Maayan Zubari, we send you our best wishes for a speedy recovery and wish for a moment that you will return to bring light to our place), and when your chef is not available because he is busy defending communities near the Gaza Strip (a Givati fighter in the reserves).

For the first time in about three years, I stayed at home and didn't do anything. The organs are paralyzed, the brain is not functioning, and the heart? He is very badly injured. I couldn't think of reopening.

After the initial shock, the body slowly began to itch. Sitting at home was no longer an option, the employees and I couldn't process the terrible loss without the routine, and I realized that if Maya and Karina had been here they wouldn't have let me stay closed one day. I gathered three employees and we prepared for a small and sad opening, in Mana only.

The hard truth, and especially the sad one, is that it's not worth opening. Economically, the monthly revenue is 20% of what it should be, the fixed expenses of a restaurant in the city center are high and unchanging, and the state? It doesn't exist at all. With a ridiculous compensation model, a lack of regard for the difficulties and state of our field, for the workers – most of whom are in their twenties, and are currently left with no place to work and no ability to pay tuition or rent.

Food is a central part of our folklore, this thing that Hamas so desperately wants to destroy. For me, my restaurants are my self-expression, they are the message I want to convey, we meet people in the happy and sad moments of life and we are there for them, working on some emotion, on memory, giving momentary comfort but also confidence - that we will also be here the next time you feel something and want to vent. If there are no restaurants, there is no culture, if there are no restaurants, there is no tourism, if there are no restaurants, how do we express joy? Where is it decided to celebrate? Which bartender will we dig into the next time our hearts are broken?

Chef Yinon Elal in reserve duty in the Iron Swords War, photo: Private

You have to understand, even before - the situation was not something. The months of August and September were some of the toughest this world has ever known, rising interest rates and prices and the faltering economy led to the closure of many, many places. October was supposed to be the pre-winter break, one of the strongest months of the year, and unfortunately it has become a nightmare.

I worry less about the large catering groups, they are well-oiled systems with a large personnel team and a huge customer base, they have regular TV jobs and seasonal campaigns, and that's a good thing. But what about us? Those children in the third decade of life who opened a restaurant from a real and honest place in the heart, of a desire to entertain and touch people? Some of us have already lost faith in this Sisyphean and unrewarding profession, but there are people like me who are not willing to give up so quickly on the distant dream, and for this we need you, your support, we need you to come eat and drink with us, promising to give the most rewarding, honest and good product possible.

Mana in better days. In the center in black a spring, who was injured at the nature party, photo: Itamger Ginzburg

The Mana is open every day of the week for brunch, 9-16
and on weekends (Thursday-Saturday) for both brunch and dinner, 17:00-22:00

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-29

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