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From the 50s to the Present: Landmarks in the History of the Gaza Strip | Israel Hayom


Highlights: From the 50s to the Present: Landmarks in the History of the Gaza Strip | Israel Hayom. The Iron Sword War, which broke out with the terrible massacre on October 7, tells the story of a region that has known difficult days for many years. We returned to some of the most prominent events that changed the history of the place. At least 1,400 people were murdered and 230 were kidnapped – which led to the outbreak of an iron sword war. In the late 60s, there were countless cases of fragmentation grenades being thrown at IDF forces on a daily basis.

The Iron Sword War, which broke out with the terrible massacre on October 7, tells the story of a region that has known difficult days for many years - the Gaza Strip • We returned to some of the most prominent events that changed the history of the place

Following the massacre on October 7, in which at least 1,400 people were murdered and 230 were kidnapped – which led to the outbreak of an iron sword war, we returned to the main events in the history of the region that has always known fierce battles and incessant fighting – the Gaza Strip.

1956 – Assassination of Roy Rothberg

On April 29, 1956, Palestinian infiltrators from the Gaza Strip entered Kibbutz Nahal Oz and brutally murdered 21-year-old Roi Rothberg. The next day, then-IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan delivered a eulogy that is etched in the memory of the nation. "The Arabs do not agree to our enterprise; we are doomed to be in constant warfare with the Arabs. It may be an undesirable situation, but it is reality."

Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan. Already understood the picture in the 1950s, photo: courtesy of the Peres Center for Peace

1970 - Documentary "Grenade in Gaza"

After the Six-Day War, tensions in the Gaza Strip, which was occupied by Israel, increased. In the late 60s, there were countless cases of fragmentation grenades being thrown at IDF forces on a daily basis. In 1970, director Moti Kirshenbaum created the documentary "Grenade in Gaza", which premiered on January 20, 1971.

Egyptian soldiers are taken prisoner by IDF forces in Gaza during the Six-Day War, Photo: GettyImages

1971 – Murder of the Arroyo children

On January 2, 1971, there was a terrorist attack in which two children of the Arroyo family (Mark and Abigail) were murdered by a terrorist who threw a grenade into the car in which they were traveling. The attack was a turning point in Israel's attitude toward terrorism from the Gaza Strip. After the incident, the IDF launched an extensive military operation to eradicate terrorism, during which special IDF units were established and activated - the Shaked Patrol and the Grenade Patrol established under the command of Meir Dagan.

1987 – The event that sparked the first intifada

On December 6, 1987, Shlomo Sakel was murdered after being stabbed to death in the central market in Gaza. Two days later, on December 8, an Israeli truck driver hit two taxis, killing four Palestinian laborers from Jabaliya refugee camp. For many years, the event was considered the one that led to the outbreak of the first intifada.

Palestinians burn an Israeli flag during the first intifada, photo: Nati Shohat/Flash90

2005 - Disengagement Plan

Between August 12 and 15, 2055, Israel implemented the Disengagement Plan, in which 21 communities – 8,600 Israelis – were evacuated from the Gaza Strip. As part of the plan, the entire area was handed over to the Palestinian Authority

2007 – Hamas takes over the Gaza Strip

On June 10, Hamas launched an attack on Fatah members who controlled the Gaza Strip in an attempt to take it over. On June 15, the entire Gaza Strip was in Hamas hands, with fierce fighting leading to the dissolution of the Palestinian unity government and the de facto division of the Palestinian territories into two entities – Judea and Samaria, controlled by the Palestinian Authority, and the Gaza Strip, controlled by the Hamas terrorist organization. The Red Cross estimated that at least 118 people were killed in the fighting and more than 550 people were wounded.

Hamas operatives arrest Fatah supporter in Gaza in 2007, photo: AP

2006 - Kidnapping of Gilad Shalit

On June 25, 2006, Hamas terrorists broke through the perimeter fence, attacked an IDF tank and abducted Gilad Shalit into the Gaza Strip. He was held captive for five years and four months (1,941 days). On October 18, 2011, Shalit was released in exchange for 1,027 security prisoners, including hundreds of life prisoners.

2008 – Operation Cast Lead

On December 27, 2008, Israel launched Operation Cast Lead, following incessant rocket fire from the Gaza Strip at civilians and communities in the western Negev. The operation lasted until January 18, 2009 and included an IDF ground maneuver.

IDF forces during Operation Cast Lead, photo: IDF Spokesperson

2012 - Operation Pillar of Defense

On November 14, 2012, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense that began with the assassination of Ahmed Jabari, acting commander of Hamas' military-terrorist wing. The operation lasted about a week and did not include a ground maneuver. In the year following the operation, there was a decline of more than 98% in rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

2014 – Operation Protective Edge

On July 8, 2014, the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge, following massive rocket fire from the Gaza Strip at the civilian population and communities in southern Israel, which began in response to Operation Brothers' Keeper after the abduction and murder of three Israeli youths on June 12 of that year. The operation ended on August 26 and included a ground maneuver and led to several years of relative quiet in the region.

Protective Edge: The tunnel mission is complete // Photo: IDF Spokesperson

2021 - Operation Guardian of the Walls

On May 10, 2021, the IDF launched Operation Guardian of the Walls, which began after the Palestinian terrorist organizations, led by Hamas, launched massive rocket fire at Jerusalem during the flag parade and later also at Gush Dan, the Shefela, the Negev and the Sharon. The operation continued until the ceasefire went into effect on May 21 and did not include ground maneuvers.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-29

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