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Egyptian Operatives: "Hamas is Like ISIS - and Acts in the Service of Iran" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Egyptian Operatives: "Hamas is Like ISIS - and Acts in the Service of Iran" | Israel Hayom. Three weeks after the outbreak of war against the reign of terror in Gaza, Egyptian exile warns: 'Hamas gains sympathy' • Egyptian researcher: "The murderous attack on October 7 almost destroyed the hope of normalization with Saudi Arabia" 'We hope that this will be the last war and that it will be followed by a peace of nations based on justice and equality'

Three weeks after the outbreak of war against the reign of terror in Gaza, Egyptian exile warns: "Hamas gains sympathy" • Egyptian researcher: "The murderous attack on October 7 almost destroyed the hope of normalization with Saudi Arabia"

Against the backdrop of the war against the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, an Egyptian exile tells Israel Hayom that Hamas is the same copy as ISIS, but that it is more dangerous because of the "popularity it receives."

Documentation of joint airstrikes by ground forces and air forces in the Gaza Strip // Photo: IDF Spokesperson

At the same time, Egyptian activists published a post in Hebrew following the war against Arab leaders: "Almost a month has passed since the beginning of the war in Gaza. Before our eyes, the Gaza Strip is returning to the Stone Age. Despite the bloodshed and catastrophic conditions in every way, not a single Arab leader has been found who has taken a sensible initiative to stop what is happening! No Arab leader has called on Hamas to declare surrender. No Arab leader has demanded that Hamas hand over its weapons and tunnel map to prevent more bloodshed."

It should be noted that since the outbreak of the war, the Egyptian president has focused mainly on his opposition to the passage of Gazans to northern Sinai, saying that "the Palestinian issue must not be eliminated and come at the expense of the peoples of the region." Sisi called for an immediate ceasefire, claiming that Israel had "deviated" from self-defense in its military response.

Egyptian President el-Sisi, photo: AFP

Moreover, the Egyptian activists noted that "in the collective Arab narrative, the main culprit is absent. The terrorist crimes committed by Hamas militias on October 7 are simply not mentioned." They also addressed Israel, stressing that "the Gaza Strip is not all Hamas. Hamas established a rule of iron and fire in Gaza. This is a regime of a distinctly theocratic nature. We mention the demonstrations by Gaza residents in 2019 with the slogan 'Bidna Naish' (We want to live), which shows that the residents of Gaza also suffer from Hamas.

"It is important to know how to distinguish carefully between civilians in Gaza and militiamen affiliated with Hamas, so that innocent people do not have to pay the price of Hamas crimes. Hamas operates in the service of Iran. Hamas has no regard for the residents, whom it sees as raw material for achieving Iran's goals and poisoned agenda in the region. We hope that this will be the last war and that it will be followed by a peace of nations based on justice and equality."

Since the outbreak of the war, large demonstrations have broken out in Egypt in which masses have come out against Israel and called on Nasrallah in Lebanon to launch missiles at Tel Aviv. Earlier, two Israeli tourists were murdered in Alexandria by an Egyptian policeman who was arrested by the security forces. However, there are also other voices. Hisam Hassanein, an Egyptian researcher at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), wrote in an article for the New York Post about the death of Shaar Hanegev Council Chairman Ofir Liebstein, who was murdered in the October 7 massacre.

The streets of Gaza after Israeli air strikes, photo: AP

"I met Ofir a year ago when I visited Israel," wrote the Egyptian researcher, "Ofir – chairman of the Shaar Hanegev Council – shared with me his vision for improving life in his community by helping Palestinians in neighboring Gaza obtain work permits in agriculture and in a new industrial zone in his kibbutz – Kfar Gaza – and throughout the region. "It's good for peace between people," I remember him saying. His murderers were poisoned by Hamas' murderous indoctrination, which portrays Israelis as the embodiment of evil – how else could they carry out this heinous attack?

"A month ago, when more and more Gazans were working in Israel and Saudi Arabia was on the road to normalization, it seemed that the Middle East was on the verge of a new dawn of peace. The Hamas offensive almost destroyed that hope. I still share Ofir Liebstein's dream that connecting people is the first step towards true peace in the Middle East, and I pray that my peace-loving friends will not give up on this struggle. We cannot let Hamas kill peace," the Egyptian researcher said.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-30

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