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Rescue of Uri from Gaza - The Beginning of Restoring Trust between the IDF and Civilians | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Rescue of Uri from Gaza - The Beginning of Restoring Trust between the IDF and Civilians | Israel Hayom. On October 7, not only were civilians abandoned and massacred, but the basic sense of security in every home in Israel was also severed. Now, the return of the kidnapped cipher is a turning point in the war. Uri's rescue also symbolizes the moment when Hamas was stripped of exclusive authority for managing the abduction incident. May you be the first ray of light that heralds the dawn after the terrible darkness.

On October 7, not only were civilians abandoned and massacred, but the basic sense of security in every home in Israel was also severed • Now, the return of the kidnapped cipher is a turning point in the war • Uri's rescue also symbolizes the moment when Hamas was stripped of exclusive authority for managing the abduction incident

Uri, how good it is that you came home. How good. Some light. May you be the first ray of light that heralds the dawn after the terrible darkness. For three weeks now, the heart has been shrinking, the brain has been wrecked, the throat is choking, the hand is fluttering unconsciously in the expanse of the net, and here we have suddenly gained a moment of salvation and joy, comfort and hope.

Uri, I don't know you, but when I saw you smiling in the bosom of your family, I burst into tears. If that's how I am, then there are no words in the world that can describe how your parents feel when they get to hug you after weeks of indescribable suffering. My own tears are not unusual. There is no mother in Israel whose eyes remain dry. The past three weeks have taught us that in our special nation, even strangers to each other, who have never met, are brothers. Being in solitary captivity, you could not feel the togetherness that was reborn out of the ashes and horror, the togetherness that unites this good people in times of need. I hope you can now draw it deep into your wounded heart and it will heal your pains.

After the release of soldier Uri: Celebrations at the Magidish family home // Photo: Liron Moldovan

Beyond the joy over the personal redemption of prisoners, Uri's rescue is a turning point in the war both internally and externally, which will go down in the history books as such.

Internally, the IDF laid the first stone for restoring training between it and the soldiers and civilians. On October 7, civilians and soldiers who were slaughtered, massacred and burned were not only abandoned, but the basic sense of security in every home in Israel was also severed. On October 30th, the IDF demonstrated its deep commitment, courage and courage of its fighters (thank you, heroes!) to do everything possible to bring its sons and daughters home. Together with Uri, he began to return from captivity some of the confidence that had been kidnapped. There is, of course, still a long way to go before it is fully restored.

Documentation of Uri's meeting with her family, photo: uncredited

Externally, Uri's rescue is the moment when Hamas was stripped of exclusive authority for managing the kidnappings. Until now he has kidnapped, posted videos with a sign of life when he wanted, and he is the one who freed women and elderly women when he felt like it. We faced this evil helpless and frustrated. The ground entrance turned the bowl upside down. On the one hand, the tanks at Netzarim Junction created panic in Gaza. On the other hand, the amazing responsibility shown by the Israeli media when they did not publish the video, the psychological abuse of the abductees, created a moral defeat for Hamas. All this, together with Uri's release, gave us back the reins.

May the sound of the shofar coming from your home be heard in many homes as 238 more abductees return quickly and safely.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-30

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