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MK Zvi Sukkot appointed member of security committee - and responses are furious: "Irresponsible, one of the most dangerous people in Israel" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: MK Zvi Sukkot appointed member of security committee - and responses are furious: "Irresponsible, one of the most dangerous people in Israel" 'T Netanyahu lets Firoman keep 700 liters of fuel' 'A step that harms national security and sticks a finger in the eye to our American partners' 'I take upon myself the role of chairman of the subcommittee for Judea and Samaria affairs in order to ensure the personal security of the residents of the settlement' 'With G-d's help, we will do and succeed'

Following the changes in the composition of the Knesset committees, Sukkot will chair the subcommittee on Judea and Samaria affairs, and will be a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee • Meirav Michaeli: "Tanyahu lets Firoman keep 700 liters of fuel" • Peace Now: "A step that harms national security and sticks a finger in the eye to our American partners"

Changes in the composition of committees in the Knesset: MK Zvi Sukkot will chair the subcommittee on Judea and Samaria affairs, and will be a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. In addition, the Religious Zionist Party announced a change in the composition of its representatives on the various committees in the Knesset: MK Rotman will move to the Knesset Committee, MK Michal Waldiger will join the Welfare, Health, Interior, and Environmental Protection Committees.

MK Zvi Sukkot at the scene of the incident in Binyamin (archive)

MK Sukkot's appointment succeeded in provoking angry reactions, Labor Party Chairman Merav Michaeli responded: "Whoever needs more proof of why we must not wait and need to replace Netanyahu now - Netanyahu has made the decision to appoint Zvi Sukkot as chairman of the subcommittee of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for Judea and Samaria affairs. This is in fact a decision to accelerate the explosion in the West Bank, from which all the heads of the defense establishment warn, Open another arena and harm the war against Hamas."

"One of the most dangerous people in Israel", Meirav Michaeli, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Sukkot is one of the most dangerous people in Israel: a racist, a pyromanian, a supporter of terrorism and a target of the Shin Bet, and Netanyahu, like Netanyahu, lets Firoman keep 700 liters of fuel," she continued. "Zvi Sukkot is a man who took his children to observe a pogrom of Jews against Palestinians. He is the man who, because of his riots, diverted battalions from the south to Judea and Samaria and there were not enough security forces to guard the envelope on Black Saturday. This is a man whose wet dream is to plunge Israel into another arena in Judea and Samaria."

"Developing the settlement", MK Zvi Sukkot, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Peace Now said: "The appointment of Hawara Pyroman to such a senior and classified security position is a step that harms national security and sticks a finger in the eye for our American partners. The national irresponsibility of a dangerous messianic government that is doing everything possible to open a third front in the West Bank that will claim more unnecessary victims. Gantz and Eisenkot must demand the immediate cancellation of the appointment."

MK Zvi Sukkot said: "I take upon myself the role of chairman of the subcommittee for Judea and Samaria affairs in order to ensure the personal security of the residents of Judea and Samaria, and to develop the settlement as much as we can. With G-d's help, we will do and succeed."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-01

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