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And where is the vision for the day after? We must reveal to the people of Israel the goals of the war | Israel Hayom


Highlights: We must reveal to the people of Israel the goals of the war, writes Israel Hayom. "To topple the Hamas regime" is a means, not an overarching goal, he says. Israel has become embarrassing, and the world doesn't take us seriously, he writes. "If everything that has happened doesn't shake our leadership, how will the world believe us?" he asks. "How humiliated can I be? How will the best of our sons end up in Gaza?" he adds. "We're done with October 7, we're also past October 30. There are two options"

The effect created by the horror videos from the massacre disappeared when Israel decided to provide humanitarian aid, avoid bombing the hospital and consider transferring fuel • Our mercy is suspicious • The Palestinians suffer less and react more, and the world is convinced of this • The defense minister said that money should be transferred to the PA, and in the same breath added that the fallen in Gaza are the sons of all of us • But parents do not send children to a battle they have no intention of winning

Bibi and the right, it's like the man who cheats on his wife and she's the last one to know. Now that it is clear that victory over the enemy is not in Netanyahu's basket of goals, the right can look straight in the mirror and say: For 20 years I cooked for you, I washed for you, I gave birth to you, I protected you, I believed you (even when you came back late with other people's lipstick), I forgave you (when you promised that it was momentary and tactical and would never happen again), but now - enough. How humiliated can I be?

Palestinian residents of Gaza run to "see the soldiers they brought to Gaza" on October 7 // Arab networks

Four weeks after the massacre of the south, Netanyahu has not yet revealed to the people of Israel, right and left are hurting and worried, what the goals of the fighting are. "To topple the Hamas regime" is a means. A prime minister doesn't need a coach to explain to him the difference between an overarching goal and the way to reach it.

One could accept, say, that the surprise meant that the contingency plans needed a few days to be redesigned. But we're done with October 7, we're also past October 30. There are two options, and both are bad – either no one knows the purpose of the fighting and just sends our children to their deaths, or the man has a goal and doesn't reveal it to us. In both cases, we understand alone as the days go by.

No leadership

At the moment, it seems to be a combination. Netanyahu spoke of an unprecedented attack and promised, like Bialik, "blood vengeance for a little boy not created by Satan," but at no point did he intend to toe the line with the women of the southern kibbutzim who made it clear that the condition for normal life in the envelope was the Israeli flag in Khan Yunis, with the orphans of Kfar Gaza who pledged to continue the dynasty on condition that the kibbutz had an open view from the potato fields to the Gaza coast. Nor with Gadi Yarkoni, head of the Hevel Eshkol Regional Council, who begged to bomb the hospital in Gaza. This "leftist" group can lead the war cabinet better than someone who insists on being called right-wing, and is apparently preoccupied with a variety of personal rather than national survival calculations.

If Netanyahu had declared in advance that the ultimate goal of the war was the cosmetic flattening of Gaza's buildings, our best sons would not have thrown themselves aside. Soldiers who voted for Meretz, Lapid, Likud and Ben-Gvir believe that the emergency government wants to occupy Gaza and control a security zone or establish new settlements, not that the Israeli government plans to grant security authority to Hamas' longtime partners. The people's martyrdom would have been different had Netanyahu discovered in advance that he has no interest in changing reality, but in continuing to manage it.

Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Photo: AFP

Our best sons, deep in the field, were not exposed to the cabinet transcript, in which Netanyahu clutches the apron of his Qatari mother and demands that the ministers allow the transfer of 682 million shekels to Gaza, and perhaps pocket money for the workers so as not to create unrest.

The defense minister said that money should be transferred to the PA and that those who fell were the sons of all of us. But parents don't send children into a battle they don't intend to win.


In this war, Israel has become an embarrassing oxymoron. We are the last to realize why the world doesn't take us seriously. But if everything that has happened still doesn't shake our leadership, how will the world believe us?

"Hamas steals fuel from hospitals to maintain terrorist infrastructure; Terrorists say that ammunition is hidden inside hospitals, because it is known that Israel does not bomb there" - the report reveals this statistic at a press conference, the world sees that there are no innocents in Gaza and expects a response. But Israel continues to provide humanitarian aid, does not bomb the hospital and continues to discuss the transfer of fuel trucks that will surely arrive at the end, while the best of our sons are inside Gaza.

Israel's horror videos and sensational revelations are worthless if it acts as if it doesn't really hurt. There are less horrific videos circulating around the world of Palestinians, but they act as if they are being slaughtered. And this, in forgiveness, transmits more credibility. The world is more convinced by the reactions than it is by the actions.

The ground maneuver in the Gaza Strip, photo: IDF Spokesperson

If Netanyahu, the great general, man of war, peace and right, wants to transfer millions to Gazans as if nothing has changed, the world assumes that despite the massacres, rapes and abductees, there are information gaps that Israel does not reveal. Apparently, the Jews still owe something to the Arabs.

The fact, they admit it, is that they feel the need to compensate the kidnappers and murderers for something. Israel's guilt feelings have a more credible effect than the horror videos disseminated by Hamas. The world chooses to believe it, and it's hard to blame them. Israel is acting contrary to the basic human instinct for life; there is something very unreliable about this.

What nation would send its sons to die for nothing, in order to conquer territory and give it as a gift to the enemy? Israel is busy with projects in memory of the fallen, examining which region sacrificed more, rummaging through wounds to pass the time, and still thinking that everything will turn for the better. A third of Knesset members sign up for a screening of horrors in the auditorium, but do not engage in positive imagination or practical vision for the day after the battle.

We, as a society, do not draw our new map and cannot imagine ourselves living without a monster under the bed. If the leadership had clearly said that this is what awaits us the day after, we would dare to imagine it. But we are already afraid to be disappointed.

The result is that the senior echelon sends our children into battle in order to hand Gaza over to that lady in a change of heart, and counts on us to continue educating the children, so that in the next round the younger brothers of our best sons will go to war with a fog of battle. And if we sign where we started, Bibi, are you in a relationship with Biden? Say in advance.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-02

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