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Get to know Israel's layers of defense against missile launches | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Get to know Israel's layers of defense against missile launches | Israel Hayom. The air defense systems against missile fire are built on layers of interceptor vehicles with proven capabilities. Here is an overview of the system, some of which is already operating in the war. Some of which will be activated if Israel deals with heavy intercontinental and long-range missile launches launched from a hostile country such as Iran. The Arrow-3 system is an operational system capable of intercepting enemy intercontinental missiles while they are still in space.

The air defense systems against missile fire are built on layers of interceptor vehicles with proven capabilities • Here is an overview of the system, some of which is already operating in the war, and some of which will be activated if Israel deals with heavy intercontinental and long-range missile launches launched from a hostile country such as Iran

Israel's missile defense system consists of five different layers of defense that back each other up in the event of a missile being fired at Israel. This is a layered system that is constantly updated and strengthened, alongside the pace of advancement of anti-missile technology in the wider world.

Arrow-3 system

Experiment of the Arrow-3 system // Photo: Ministry of Defense

<iframe width="1128" height="635" src="" title="Arrow System Experiment 3" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Arrow missile battery (archive), photo: Yossi Zeliger

The Arrow-3 system is an operational system capable of intercepting enemy intercontinental missiles while they are still in space, over 2,400 kilometers from Israel. The system's advantage lies in its ability to detonate the missile hundreds of kilometers away, which will prevent the state from suffering damage caused by a nuclear explosion or as a result of the use of chemical and/or biological weapons. The long-range fire allows Israel to send another Arrow-3 interceptor if the first one did not hit its target.

In addition to hitting intercontinental missiles, it was claimed that the Arrow-3 could also hit enemy satellites and blow them up. Israel plans to add to this system the ability to hit and handle missiles with splitting warheads in space – this upgrade will be called the Arrow-4 in the future.

Arrow-2 system

This system is Israel's second layer of defense and can launch interceptor missiles with a range of 1,500 kilometers. The Arrow-2 is designed to operate against ballistic missiles such as the Syrian Scud and the Iranian Shehab. The Arrow-2 interceptors will also be launched at an intercontinental ballistic missile that has already entered the atmosphere after the Arrow-3 system failed to hit it. The system is designed to fire two interceptors at once at the target it detects.

David's Sling system

David's Sling System,

In the past, it was called the 'Magic Wand', and its capabilities include interception of medium- and long-range rockets and missiles, as well as interception of unmanned aircraft. It is a two-stage, fast-maneuvering interceptor missile with two positioning and guidance systems installed in its bow: a radar and an electro-optical sensor.

The main function of this system is to provide a response to the large missiles in Hezbollah's possession that may be launched from Lebanon at Israeli cities during future fighting with the organization. The system's interception range is 300 kilometers, and it can back Israel up even in the event that the Arrow-3 and Arrow-2 systems fail in their missile interception effort. Moreover, this layer of defense is intended to thwart the firing of armored vehicles and medium ballistic missiles.

Iron Dome

Photo: Ziv Koren (Archive),

Israel's fourth layer of defense is the Iron Dome system, which has an interception range of 70 kilometers. The purpose of the system is to intercept surface-to-surface missiles and short-range surface-to-surface rockets at low altitudes, such as the Qassam, Katyusha and Grad. It should be noted that the system can intercept heavier missiles.

The system has a naval version called the Defensive Dome, which is used by the navy and can intercept threats directed against Israel's strategic maritime infrastructure, such as gas rigs, water desalination systems, and protection of other Israeli maritime assets. Recently, there has been a move to develop the system, which will expand its interception range to 250 kilometers.

Light Shield System

Tie-breaking weapons. Light Shield System,

Magen Or is a laser beam interception system under development by Israel's defense industries. It is a short-range interception system capable of intercepting missiles and drones up to a range of 7 kilometers. Its role is to protect against short-range rocket and mortar shell fire, as well as from aircraft, including surfboards and unmanned aerial vehicles.

In 2021, the Ministry of Defense reported that in tests carried out, the system succeeded in intercepting a drone using a laser fired from an aircraft on which it was installed. In April 2022, it was reported that successful interception tests had been completed for a variety of threats - including rockets, mortars and drones. In addition, during the current war, the Ministry of Defense authorized the DDR to test the system under operational conditions in southern Israel and to test its identification and interception capabilities.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-02

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