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Tens of thousands march against antisemitism in Paris | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Tens of thousands march against antisemitism in Paris | Israel Hayom. Among those present: Prime Minister and former presidents • Marine Le Pen also arrived. Tens of thousands of people are taking part in a huge rally against anti-Semitism in Paris on Sunday. Among the participants were Prime Minister Elisabeth Bornet, former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Holland.Marine Le Pen, head of the National Front party previously accused of anti-Semitic, said: "We are exactly where we need to be"

Among those present: Prime Minister and former presidents • Marine Le Pen also arrived

Tens of thousands of people are taking part in a huge rally against anti-Semitism in Paris on Sunday.

Une foule très dense s'est élancée peu après 15h en direction du Sénat. « Ça fait chaud au cœur de voir autant de monde », réagit Gérard, chef d'entreprise parisien de 57 ans et de confession juive. @France24_fr #marchecontrelantisemistisme

— Louis chahuneau (@LouisChahuneau) November 12, 2023

Among the participants were Prime Minister Elisabeth Bornet and former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Holland.

La délégation du RN est en train de se regrouper à l'écart d'invalides, une soixantaine de députés devraient être présents #Marchecontrelantisemitisme

— AudreyTison (@AudreyTison) November 12, 2023

Marine Le Pen, head of the National Front party previously accused of anti-Semitism, said: "We are exactly where we need to be." As for those who opposed her arrival because of that reputation, and who belong to the left side of the map, she replied that "it's a matter of petty politics."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-12

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