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Violence against women is poisonous weed


Highlights: Violence against women is poisonous weed. Pope Francis called for action to prevent gender-based violence on Saturday. Saturday is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. (see related stories) "These roots grow in the soil of prejudice and of injustice;they must be countered with educational action that places theperson, with his or her dignity, at the centre", the pontiff said in a post on X. X. “Violenceagainst women is a poisonous weed that plagues oursociety and must be pulled up from its roots,” he said.

Pope Francis called for action to prevent gender-based violence on Saturday, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. © ANSA

(see related stories) (ANSA) - ROME, NOV 25 - Pope Francis called for action toprevent gender-based violence on Saturday, the International Dayfor the Elimination of Violence against Women.
   "Violence against women is a poisonous weed that plagues oursociety and must be pulled up from its roots," the pontiff saidin a post on X.
   "These roots grow in the soil of prejudice and of injustice;they must be countered with educational action that places theperson, with his or her dignity, at the centre". (ANSA).

Source: ansa

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