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Opinion | Take them on a tour of Nitzanei Oz - near Netanya | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The name Nitzanei Oz sounds familiar to most people because of the similarity to the names of his two brothers: Nir Oz and Nahal Oz. The two kibbutzim, like the other kib butzim near the Gaza Strip, suffered a particularly severe disaster. It is of enormous importance that the guests – decision-makers in their countries, senior officials, and influential people in general – saw with their own eyes at least some of the consequences of the atrocity that took place.

Those guests who can read a map will immediately notice the similarities. Instead of Nahal Oz it will be written Nitzanei Oz, and instead of Gaza will appear Tulkarm. No one would argue that the wall is sufficient for protection

If what happened to the kibbutzim Nahal Oz and Nir Oz stemmed from the serious failures that led to the Black Sabbath, what might happen in the future in Moshav Nitzanei Oz will happen because of the serious failures of the day after.

It is likely that the name Nitzanei Oz sounds familiar to most people because of the similarity to the names of his two brothers: Nir Oz and Nahal Oz. The two kibbutzim, like the other kibbutzim near the Gaza Strip, suffered a particularly severe disaster. Another possible reason why the name Nitzanei Oz is familiar is the Nitzanei Oz interchange on Highway 6, from which you turn west to Netanya.

In the weeks following Black Sabbath, many foreign guests were brought to Israel, all of whom toured the battered communities in the envelope, including Nir Oz and Nahal Oz. Indeed, it is of enormous importance that the guests – decision-makers in their countries, senior officials, and influential people in general – saw with their own eyes at least some of the consequences of the atrocity that took place. Anyone who has toured the settlements knows and understands that a direct sight of the destruction in the eyes, up close, combined with the smell of burned houses, is etched in the memory.

On the three-month anniversary of the war, especially against the background of the developing discourse about the day after, it is time to expand the tour and start bringing masses of foreign guests to budding Oz. Do not stop the tour of Nahal Oz - on the contrary, but immediately after it it is important to bring them to Nitzanei Oz. If in the morning we take them to Nahal Oz and on the same day to Nitzanei Oz, the message will pass by itself, without the need for explanation. Those guests who can read a map will immediately see the similarities, almost identical, between the maps. All in all, instead of Nahal Oz it will be written Nitzanei Oz, and instead of Gaza will appear Tulkarm. It's the same short distance, which is nothing militarily. And even the wall between Tulkarm and Nitzanei Oz they will see, and no one will dare claim that the wall, even the most elaborate, is sufficient for protection.

Guests will want to know if one or two similar geographical cases can be drawn because of one or two similar geographical cases. That's when we'll get on the buses, drive north for a minute or two and explain to them that budding Oz is really not one case, or even one out of ten. Here is the community settlement of Yad Hanna, followed immediately by Bat Hefer, who are close to the same Green Line and try to explain to us that beyond it a Palestinian state should be established. And if we want a parallel to a city like Sderot, we'll drive further north and stop at Harish. We will not stop at Kibbutz Givat Oz, although it also fits the message behind the tour, so that guests will not wonder how many Oz settlements there are in Israel. For dinner you can stop at Kibbutz Merav and have a view of Jalbun. There is no need for binoculars.

And it's just a tour from Buds of Oz north. It is quite possible to change direction and drive south. In this space we will introduce guests to the Qalqiliya envelope, only the very close communities: Kochav Yair, Tzur Yigal, Eyal, Nir Eliyahu, and of course the eastern neighborhoods of Kfar Saba.

Here is the community settlement of Yad Hanna, followed immediately by Bat Hefer, who are close to the same Green Line and try to explain to us that beyond it a Palestinian state should be established. And if we want a parallel to a city like Sderot, we'll drive further north and stop at Harish

And maybe, the guests will make it difficult for us, maybe here opposite, in Judea and Samaria, the population is different? Maybe there are improved Palestinians, like an "upgraded" Palestinian Authority that they are trying to sell us in the new laundry of words. This is the most difficult challenge of the tour. Many of the guests read Haaretz in English and were briefed by Israelis, representatives of the generation before me, who are trying to convince us with vigor and vigor to establish a Palestinian state the day after.

Here we will show them the results of surveys indicating the widespread support of Judea and Samaria residents for the horrors of Black Sabbath, alongside hundreds and thousands of expressions of support and jubilation on the networks. We will show them what IDF fighters find day after day in Tulkarm and its daughters, minutes away from all the communities we toured: explosives laboratories, weapons depots, incitement materials. Gaza on full. Anyone who supports the old idea of some kind of Palestinian control risks turning dozens of communities near Qalqiliya, the Tulkarm envelope and the Jenin envelope into the Gaza envelope. There will not be and will not be.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2024-01-02

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