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Opinion | Ben-Gvir's Zubur Should Worry Every Citizen | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Israel Hayom: Ben-Gvir's Zubur Should Worry Every Citizen. It was actually the IPS commissioner who worsened the security prison conditions. The National Prison Organization needs stability. The IPS acted from the beginning of the fighting, specifically under Perry's instructions, to reduce the security conditions to the minimum threshold in the law. Both the Dover institution and family visits were canceled, and the Red Cross, which used to enter IPS facilities, has not visited since October 7. The main purpose of the matter was to discredit IPS commissioner in wartime, portraying her as heartless and beneficial to the terrorists.

It was actually the IPS commissioner who worsened the security prison conditions • The National Prison Organization needs stability

The public and ugly Zubur that the IPS commissioner is forced to endure in these days of war should keep every citizen asleep. Airplanes circulate in the sky, shells are fired in Lebanon, tens of thousands of civilians are being fought-shooting-eliminating in Gaza, tens of thousands of civilians are staying outside their homes, the scourge of murders continues to rage, and the Minister of National Security, who is supposed to back the heads of the police and the Prison Service and deal with them from morning to night in strengthening the sense of security security and increasing supervision of the barrel bombs in the form of security prisons, demonstrates detachment from what is happening, and in the midst of such a complex security reality, is preoccupied with only one thing: The elimination of the IPS commissioner and the appointment of his security secretary as acting secretary, and in practice he does his bidding.

This is what the meal of the Nukhba terrorists looks like in an Israeli prison

Ben-Gvir, like Ben-Gvir, not only does he not see with his eyes, his end justifies the means. False accusations, spin and insults are his way of removing an officer in the middle of the war who, unlike him, contributed to the defense establishment for 36 years. The spin on duty this time dealt with the food served to Hamas prisoners - and if anything should bother about this spin it is not what they eat, but the deliberate, irresponsible and insensitive distortion of a government minister, as if, unlike our abductees in Gaza, the Nokhba terrorists enjoy meals similar to a chef's restaurant in prison - with the main purpose of the matter being to discredit the IPS commissioner in wartime, portraying her as heartless and beneficial to the terrorists, To prove the urgency of its replacement.

Trying to portray her as heartless. Commissioner Kathy Perry (archive), photo: Jonathan Shaul

The truth – and not for the first time – is quite different. Just last month, Ben-Gvir visited the Nokhba terrorists and praised the commissioner. "I've seen the minimum conditions in which they're being held... I back the IPS commissioner who understands the magnitude of the hour," he wrote in a press release. So what suddenly happened that you had to get rid of Rabbi Kathy Perry? The answer is - nothing! With the exception of a hijacking that Ben-Gvir is trying to carry out in order to send a young and inexperienced prison officer, to whom the title of "Ben-Gvir's Yes Man" was already attached to him even before he was appointed to the position, to run an organization in one of its most sensitive periods.

The IPS acted from the beginning of the fighting, specifically under Perry's instructions, to reduce the security conditions to the minimum threshold in the law. The security cells were plowed deep, all the electrical appliances were removed, the canteen was closed, and today they receive the basic food from the prison kitchen – unlike the Ma'aloim celebrations that were customary in the past. Both the Dover institution and family visits were canceled, and the Red Cross, which used to enter IPS facilities, has not visited since October 7.

Handcuffed and bent. Nokhba terrorists at the IPS facility, photo: IPS Spokesperson's Office

Like it or not, Israel is a state of law and these steps must be backed by law. If Ben-Gvir has any claim, he is welcome to refer it to Ben-Gvir. Instead of blaming others, he should ask himself why, during his year as a cabinet member, he did not bring up the Qatabi report, which recommended reducing the conditions of terrorists in prison. Until that happens, the IPS is not tweets, but a body committed to international conventions and the provision of minimum conditions for anyone held by it, in accordance with the guidelines of medical officials and under the supervision and control of the Ministry of Justice.

And if we are dealing with food matters, then an internal document casts aspersions on the work of Ben-Gvir's office on the subject. In a security discussion held during the first days of the fighting, he instructed the legal officials in his ministry to present a legal opinion on reducing the conditions of the terrorists. However, this opinion was dissolved, since the matter contradicts the law, and the person who acted to reduce the security conditions to a minimum is actually the Commissioner.

The war presents the IPS with many challenges. An unprecedented number of some 20,000 detainees and detainees requires the organization to act – so far successfully – in a smart but determined manner in situations of stress, overcrowding and the potential for riots. The IPS also plays a central role in the issue of the release of abductees in the future, and therefore, especially at this time, this national prison organization needs stability. And whoever doesn't understand this and prefers to do petty politics on the backs of commanders is liable to bring about his destruction.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2024-01-03

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