The Limited Times

Christmas in a motorhome

12/24/2023, 1:13:29 PM

Highlights: The Knoke family from Inning have been on the road for 16 months. They have traveled 30,000 kilometers, visited 18 countries, and still not enough. Parents Jeannette and Tobias have rented a holiday home in the north of the Greek peninsula of Peloponnese for four weeks over the holidays and New Year's Eve. "We're already looking forward to the wood crackling," reveals the 43-year-old father Tobias Knoke. The family of seven celebrated last Christmas at 20 degrees on the beach, this year it should be more homely.

Status: 24.12.2023, 14:00 PM

By: Alexandra Anderka

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There must also be room for Christmas decorations in the motorhome (from left): Paula with Maximilian, dad Tobias, Markus with Raphael, Anna and mum Jeannette. © private

This Christmas is a very special one - far away from the former home.

Inning – Christmas garlands and fairy lights adorn the two mobile homes of the Knoke family from Inning. On the table is a decorated Christmas tree, which the four-year-old twins Maximilian and Raphael marvel at. Candles on the window simulate an Advent wreath for which there is no space. It's Christmas at the Knokes' house, even in faraway Greece, where parents Jeannette and Tobias are with their five children and dog Mila.

The former Inningers have been on the road for 16 months now. For their lifelong dream, the air traffic controller and the pedagogue sold their house and belongings and went on a trip to Europe in August 2022 (we reported). Since then, they have traveled 30,000 kilometers, visited 18 countries, and still not enough. "There is no end in sight yet," the parents explain in unison on the phone.

Albania, Bosnia and the Benelux countries are planned for next year. "But it's also possible that everything will change again," says Jeannette Knoke. While the family of seven celebrated last Christmas at 20 degrees on the beach, this year it should be more homely. They want to "bake a lot, cook a lot, eat a lot," as the globetrotter says with a laugh.

That's why they gave themselves a family Christmas present – and rented a holiday home in the north of the Greek peninsula of Peloponnese for four weeks over the holidays and New Year's Eve. So for a short time, they exchange their mobile 30 square meters for a 120 square meter permanent residence with garden and fireplace. "We're already looking forward to the wood crackling," reveals the 43-year-old father.

Home on wheels: Maximilian and Raphael in front of their family's motorhomes, here during a stopover in Romania. © private

They came up with the idea because the weather in mid-November at Thessaloniki was quite mixed and windy. "We also miss an oven a lot," admits the 48-year-old. Her 16-year-old daughter Anna has already made a baking list: Christmas cookies are at the top, followed by tarte flambée, pizza, potato wedges and fried vegetables. "Everyone is looking forward to it," says the mother of five.

The parents also wanted to meet the children's wish to stay longer in one place with the holiday home. "We have already slowed down with our journey. Since September, we've been staying at one place for three or four days," reports Tobias Knoke. But it's not quite that simple. Because when the hours of sunshine become fewer, the Knokes get an electricity problem. There are only two solutions: either they move on to recharge the batteries or they spend the night at a campsite and use shore power. The family has gained many impressions and experiences in the past 16 months, the good ones far outweigh the good ones, each family member has a highlight.

For Jeannette Knoke, it was an encounter with a bear on the side of the road in Romania. "He just sat there," she recalls of the drive on the Transfagarasan high road. She also raves about a zipline flight over a gorge in Portugal at a height of 150 meters and at a speed of 100 km/h. Paula (14) has fond memories of the beach ride in Spain, Anna (16) was impressed by the countless hot air balloons in Cappadocia in Turkey. "It was amazing when we opened the door of our camper in the morning and were able to marvel at hundreds of hot air balloons," her father agrees enthusiastically.

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Everyone is touched by the hospitality in Greece and Turkey. "You can't imagine that, we're invited to tea everywhere," says Tobias Knoke happily. They don't like the garbage problem there.

Everyone agrees on their favourite country: Portugal. The 19-year-old Markus was also swept away by the carnival there. All family members are still enjoying each other's company. According to the parents, school is currently not an issue. This is possible because all children are homeless, which means that compulsory schooling is no longer necessary. "We continue to give them freedom," says the educator, adding: "If they ask about the curriculum, we will of course provide them with the material."

The two four-year-old twins have matured a lot. "They learn everything from the big guys because they spend so much time with them." That's why the little ones don't believe in Santa Claus anymore. "Anna didn't want to lie to her," her mom explains. Which made hiding the gifts easier. "They already know they're getting new bikes. They are stowed in the rear garage of the motorhomes."

The Knokes will not unpack until 25 December. "Then the children can spend the whole day with their presents." And even longer, because the Knokes won't be back in their motorhomes for another three weeks and set off on new family adventures.

If you want to follow the Knokes, you can do so on Instagram: @markus.knoke or @powertobi24.

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