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Opinion | Sound, Smell, Longing, Place and Experience - The Israeli Senses | Israel today


There are two sounds that I think are the essence of Israeliness and Judaism: the song of forgiveness and the siren of Remembrance Day.


There are two sounds that in my eyes are the essence of Israeliness and Judaism, and every time I hear them - I get excited again.

The first of which is the song of forgiveness.

The sound of this sacred composition that the song of forgiveness allows among so many, moving side by side, some with teary eyes and some with closed eyes, in a refined moment of supplication and calling to the Creator of the world.

The second sound is that of Memorial Day siren.

Every year, once at the dawn of this exciting and painful day and once the next morning, the voice of this siren immediately connects me again to the young faces of friends, commanders and commanders, who have fallen on the defense of our beloved country, and their lack is so felt.


There is one scent, the most Israeli in my eyes, that when I return to it and restore its special fragrance - I immediately return to my childhood days.

This is the smell of the pine trees and the sight of the oak and goddess trees in the woods in the Carmel next to which I grew up.

This all-too-Israeli scent automatically evokes childhood memories of me falling in love with the Land of Israel.

This childhood scent is intoxicating every time again, and also evokes a great longing for other days.


I have a real longing for the mental conversations I had with my friend as my brother, the late Emanuel Moreno. The general public does not know much about him, almost nothing really, except his rank and name. Even his picture is still banned from publication, To the man and his special worldview. Until his fall in the Second Lebanon War, Moreno was my immediate soulmate. The first address to share and share. To this day I get to think a lot: I wonder what the late Emanuel would say on one subject or another.

I miss him every day.


Although I grew up in Haifa, I enjoyed a special family custom we had: every summer we used to exchange apartments for a week between Haifa and Jerusalem, which became a home for us during the big holidays.

Thanks to this practice, I learned to know Jerusalem well - through my feet.

To this day I miss very much the joint walks with Dad, Mom and my brothers in the magical streets of Jerusalem, one and only city.


Almost 30 years have passed since then, but I remember it as if it were yesterday: a graduation ceremony in the General Staff Reconnaissance Regiment, also called the "Symbols Ceremony." And it took place at a real farm near Dimona, where we ended the concluding week - “Lonely Week.” During that week we walked 140 kilometers, carrying 50 kg on our backs, alone, at night and during the day, all alone.

This experience shaped my personality.

Were we wrong?


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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-05-05

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