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The RN launches a campaign on “justice”


The National Rally launched Thursday "an awareness campaign" on the theme of justice which intends to denounce the "Dupond-Morettisme" and...

The National Gathering launched Thursday "

an awareness campaign

" on the theme of justice which intends to denounce "


" and "

legal laxity

", by calling in particular for the opening of new prison places.

The acting president of the far-right party, Jordan Bardella, attacked the Keeper of the Seals at length during a press conference, whose "


" record has, according to him, engendered "

judicial laxity

", "

indecent and outrageous


The RN, whose campaign must go through social networks as well as the distribution of leaflets and posters, takes up the proposals of its candidate Marine Le Pen during the last presidential election, in particular the opening of 15,000 additional prison places and doubling the number of magistrates.

According to the latest official statistics, on August 1, the country had 60,719 operational places in its prisons and 71,819 inmates.

Read alsoJordan Bardella and the loneliness of a chef in the making

The Lepenist movement also advocates reducing to six months' imprisonment the maximum duration of a sentence that can be adjusted or the conclusion of bilateral agreements so that foreigners convicted in France serve their sentence in their country of origin, a provision already in force but which regularly comes up against refusals from third countries.


In September, our parliamentarians will visit prisons to find out the exact state of the situation of prisons in France

", indicated Jordan Bardella, also a candidate for the presidency of the RN during an internal election which opposes him to the mayor of Perpignan, Louis Aliot, and whose result will be known at the beginning of November during a party congress.

During the budget debate, the RN group in the National Assembly will develop its proposals

”, also assured the interim president, who also “


” to Éric Dupond-Moretti “

a public debate on Justice and on cancer of the insecurity that is spreading all over the country


Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-09-08

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