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Chilling documentation: an electrical cable fell on a passenger on the train and knocked him onto the track - voila! news


In the footage from the security cameras, you can see how the man was hit by a high voltage cable, partially burned and lost consciousness while lying on the railroad tracks. Luckily he got out of it alive

The next scene looks like it's taken from a horror movie.

The life of an inspector at a railway station in eastern India was miraculously saved after he was struck by a high voltage cable that fell on him while he was waiting for a train near the tracks.

This event was recorded on the security cameras and immediately scorched the network with millions of views.

According to the New York Post, this electrical accident happened last week, at the Kharagpur Junction train station in the state of West Bengal, when an unnamed ticket holder did not speak to another man on the subway tracks.

His conversation was interrupted when an old power cable suddenly fell on him and severely electrocuted him.

As a result of this impact the unfortunate man was partially ignited and fell back hard into the shaft where the railroad tracks were.

Watch the event

The electrified ticket holder lay unconscious for many seconds until he managed to turn on his side, while in the meantime the passers-by who caught him managed to get him out and carry him on a stretcher.

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The man miraculously survived this incident.

He did suffer from some burns, but was treated at the hospital and returned to work.

Meanwhile, in India they started investigating the case to try to understand what caused the cable to break off and fall on him.

Speaking to indiatoday, station manager Mohammad Sujat Hashmi said: "We don't know the exact cause, but there were some loose wires that probably fell and injured him. Fortunately, he is fine, in a stable condition and we have spoken to him."

When asked about the cause of the downed power line, the manager said it may have been caused by birds, as they often peck at small wires.

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  • not to be missed


  • a train

  • India

  • electrical power

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-01-07

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