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Samuel Paty: the gears of a killing


The anti-terrorist prosecutor's office details, in its final indictment, the sequence of events that led to the teacher's assassination. A chilling chronicle.

A history and geography professor defamed by a schoolgirl then attacked for "having insulted the prophet" by Islamists, who deliver his name as food on the web.

A teacher appointed, for 300 euros, by students from his establishment to the terrorist who came to behead him… Here is a summary, in all its horror, of the spiral which led to the death of Samuel Paty, on October 16, 2020 around 5 p.m.

In 541 pages, the final indictment of the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor's Office (Pnat), dated April 7, offers a real dive into one of the most damning and disturbing terrorist files, both by the nature of the victim and by what that it reveals of the spread of Islamism, well beyond the jihadists, and the militant circle of some 100,000 Salafists or Muslim Brotherhood identified by the intelligence services.

Before detailing “

the chronicle of a killing

”, the indictment insists on an essential element, namely the context of the time, marked by…

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-04-10

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