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Bordeaux: a man arrested after attacking passers-by with a knife


Highlights: A 42-year-old man, Thierry Y'aseka I., was arrested after attacking passers-by with a knife, Saturday, July 22 in Bordeaux. The respondent, aged 42, was involuntarily hospitalized. He has already been convicted of aggravated robbery, concealment of theft, aggravated violence, drug use or carrying a weapon. Even more worrying, he tried to stab a tenant of a home, in Roubaix (North), where he himself resided, on July 23, 2021.

A 29-year-old woman was lightly injured. The respondent, aged 42, was involuntarily hospitalized.

A 42-year-old man, Thierry Y'aseka I., was arrested after attacking passers-by with a knife, Saturday, July 22 in Bordeaux, learned Le Figaro from police source. "Examined as part of his custody by a psychiatrist, he was the subject of an automatic hospitalization," says the Figaro Frédérique Porterie, prosecutor of the Republic of Bordeaux. "Police custody was therefore lifted on Sunday and the investigation entrusted to the interregional directorate of the judicial police of Bordeaux continues in order to understand the motive of this gesture. He will be the subject of a resumption of police custody when he is declared fit to leave, "details the prosecutor.

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Saturday, around 13:30 p.m., an individual of African type armed with a knife wanders quai de Brazza, in the Darwin district of Bordeaux. He vows and seems to be looking for random victims. He approaches a first couple that he does not manage to hurt. "Be careful, he is armed!" exclaim witnesses to alert passers-by.

Moments later, he attacked a 29-year-old woman who was parking her car. Taking advantage of his window down, he stabs him in the shoulder, before leaving "like a zombie", according to a source close to the file. Transported to the hospital, the victim was slightly injured and was granted 4 days of ITT (total incapacity for work).

An individual known to justice

Alerted by a dozen calls, the police officers of the BAC (anti-crime brigade) quickly arrived on site and spotted the individual. "Kill me, Allah protect me," the assailant reportedly shouted at them repeatedly. The latter was finally subdued with a taser and then taken into custody.

According to our information, the defendant has already been convicted of aggravated robbery, concealment of theft, aggravated violence, drug use or carrying a weapon. Even more worrying, he had tried to stab a tenant of a home, in Roubaix (North), where he himself resided, on July 23, 2021. He was then the subject of another involuntary hospitalization.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-24

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