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"We are with you": Ambassadors of 10 countries in letters to the people of Israel | Israel Hayom


Highlights: "We are with you": Ambassadors of 10 countries in letters to the people of Israel. "Terrorism is a subject I am intimately familiar with," says British ambassador. "My country will continue to fly the Israeli flag and support Israel's right to self-defense," says U.S. embassy director. "The United States stands firmly with Israel as it defends itself against the horrific attacks by Hamas," writes U.N. ambassador. 'I have never been as shocked on Saturday as I have been on Saturday,' says Bulgarian diplomat.

Special Project: At the request of Israel Hayom, ambassadors of ten countries around the world wrote letters in support of the people of Israel following the murderous terrorist attack and the launch of the Iron Swords War • Goodwill Ambassadors

Simon Walters || British ambassador: "I know terrorism intimately, it has no justification"

Simon Walters, British Ambassador,

Dear Israelis and Israelis, it is difficult to put into words what you must be feeling these days. It's a terrible disaster. There is not a single person I have spoken to in recent days who has not been directly or indirectly affected by the horrific events.

A reconnaissance unit of the Ukrainian army expresses support for Israel in its war against Hamas

Unfortunately, terrorism is a subject I am intimately familiar with. I was born into the bloody conflict in Northern Ireland. The moment an armed man stopped my parents' car at a border crossing in Northern Ireland is etched in my memory. I was 4 years old, terrified in the back seat. I didn't understand what was happening, but I understood that it was bad and terrible. There is no justification for such behavior. There is no justification for terrorism.

In these difficult moments, it is important to say that Britain's support for Israel is unequivocal. Britain strongly condemns Hamas' attack on Israelis and citizens of foreign countries. There is no justification for brutal and sickening attacks on civilians. Protecting civilian lives is a key point of international humanitarian law.

Ambassador Walters donates blood, photo: MDA

In recent days, the British government has been working to express its support for Israel and the British citizens caught up in the horrific attacks. British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly came to Israel to express support. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak emphasized in a conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Britain's support for Israel. Sunak even went to a synagogue in London and participated in prayers for Israel. I stand with you, Britain stands with you. Together - we will win. He will make peace on us, and on all the people of Israel.

Kyriakos Lukakis || Greek Ambassador - "Everything that concerns you - concerns all of us"

Kyriakos Loukakis, Ambassador of Greece,

In this dark hour of Israel, we must understand that everything that is happening in this country concerns all of us.

This war against madness, terror and brutal destruction puts at stake the hope of peace and prosperity, a lofty goal that Europe and Greece have championed for decades. My country will continue to fly the Israeli flag and support Israel's right to self-defense.

The southeastern corner of the Mediterranean basin, where we were born and where our ancestors were born, is a sensitive and difficult area. It is precisely because of this, the effort to achieve peace and prosperity in any form becomes even more worthwhile.

Stephanie L. Hallett || U.S. Embassy Director - "With Such Determination, the People of Israel Will Win"

Stephanie L. Hallett, U.S. Embassy Commissioner,

The United States stands firmly with Israel as it defends itself against the horrific attacks by Hamas. We share the deep sorrow of our friends, whose loved ones were brutally murdered by terrorists. The heart aches at the thought that so many innocent lives have been viciously cut short; Innocent men and women, babies, children and the elderly.

Israel has the full backing of the United States, our support is unwavering. As President Biden said, we will make sure that Israel gets everything it needs to take care of its people, defend itself, and respond to an attack. As we mourn the lives lost, including those of at least 21 American citizens, the United States stands with Israel. More U.S. military aid has already begun to arrive, and an aircraft carrier strike group has been deployed in the area to deter any country or organization that might ponder the possibility of taking advantage of the situation.

Hallett near Gaza, photo: US Embassy Instagram

Two months ago, I visited shiva about an officer in Kibbutz Re'im near Gaza. Chen Amir was murdered in Tel Aviv while defending the city's residents. Today I mourn again with the evil people, in whom Chen grew up, and with their neighbors; The region whose people have demonstrated courage that few of us can imagine. With such steadfast determination and eternal hope, the people of Israel will prevail. The United States stands with you.

Dimitar Zanchev || EU Ambassador - "I have never been as shocked as on Saturday"

Dimitar Zanchev, Ambassador of the European Union,

Since I first arrived in Tel Aviv as a young Bulgarian diplomat almost 30 years ago, I have not only followed the situation in Israel closely but also built close friendships.

In the various positions I have held in Israel, I have witnessed joyous events, but unfortunately also many tragedies: wars, intifadas, terror attacks. Nothing shocked me more than the barbaric massacre carried out by Hamas last Saturday.

Galant after the establishment of the emergency government: "We will wipe Hamas off the ground" // GPO

Terrorists have murdered more than 1,000 Israelis – including women, children and Holocaust survivors – in every brutal way imaginable. We, the Europeans, were quick to condemn the horrific attacks, mourn the victims and raise the Israeli flag over our institutions to express solidarity with the State of Israel. "Israel has the right to defend itself – today and in the future," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.

These are tough days. All of us here need to run to bomb shelters to defend ourselves against the indiscriminate missile fire.

My thoughts are with all those whose loved ones have been murdered, injured or kidnapped.

May we know better days. The people of Israel live!

Yevhen Kornychuk || Ukrainian ambassador - "shocked by the attack, our hearts are with the victims"

Yevhen Kornychuk, Ambassador of Ukraine,

The act of aggression that Israel has experienced is incomprehensible. Just unimaginable. I am deeply shocked, our thoughts and hearts are with the innocent victims of the Hamas terror attack.

As the ambassador of a country that has been dealing for many months with a brutal attack by a ruthless Russian enemy that does not hesitate to murder an innocent civilian population, I understand from the bottom of my heart the immense and difficult pain of the citizens of Israel. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Israeli public has stood by us and supported us in exciting humanitarian initiatives. I now feel compelled to express our support during this difficult time and I send our sincere condolences to the families and communities affected.

Ukrainian Ambassador to the Gaza envelope, photo: Ukrainian Embassy

We strongly support Israel's right to self-defense and its efforts to protect its citizens from these cruel enemies who have no right to exist. Our embassy, as always, remains committed to promoting bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and Israel, while supporting peace and stability in the region.

Ralph King || Australian Ambassador - "We cannot ease your suffering, but you are in our hearts"

Ralph King, Ambassador to Australia,

I write these words in the shadow of immense sorrow. The people of Israel are shocked, and the entire world is watching horrified, by the news of last Saturday's Hamas terror attack. The news itself is terrible. The photographs torment the soul.

It was a coordinated and evil action. The terrorists murdered young and old indiscriminately, and horribly harmed many more. They brutally kidnapped others to serve as human shields. Their main target was Jews, but they spared no one.

Volunteers preparing equipment and food for IDF soldiers and residents of the envelope, Photo: Herzi Shapira

Now, as Israel exercises its right to defend itself and its citizens, we feel your pain, anger and concern. We know that too many of you mourn loved ones, or don't turn a blind eye at night out of fear for the fate of your missing friends and relatives. Many of you will be called up for reserve duty, or you have relatives who have already been drafted.

To all of you, I want to convey what our Prime Minister said when he spoke to St Kilda's Jewish community in Melbourne: You are not alone. All Australians embrace you during this trauma. We cannot ease your suffering, but we hold you in our hearts, and we stand by you.

Koichi Mizushima || Ambassador of Japan - "Deeply thrilled by their support for each other"

Koichi Mizushima, Ambassador of Japan,

As Ambassador of Japan and a friend of Israel, I would like to express my deepest and sincere condolences to the families of the many victims, and my standing with the Israeli people at this difficult time.

The morning of October 7 turned from a Simchat Torah holiday into a nightmare due to terrorist attacks, including rocket attacks, brutal killings, and kidnappings by Hamas and other armed groups. These terrorist acts, carried out indiscriminately against innocent civilians, including children, young people, families, babies, the elderly, Holocaust survivors and foreigners, defy moral standards.

The Japanese government strongly condemns such acts of terrorism and stresses that Israel has the right to defend itself and its citizens in accordance with international law.

Chaos: Footage from the Nova party near Kibbutz Reim

We are deeply struck by the way the people of Israel spontaneously and vigorously support each other, welcoming evacuated residents and calling for the collection of equipment and aid, even in the midst of such a terrible tragedy. Japan stands in solidarity with Israel.

Even in these difficult times, please remember that you are never alone, and that Japan stands by you. We will overcome the difficult situation and pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Radu Ioanid || Romanian Ambassador - "There is no justification, no explanation, and never will be"

Radu Ioanid, Ambassador of Romania,

The atrocities we have witnessed recently are a savage assault on humanity. They are an insult to the human conscience. But first and foremost they are a pogrom. These were calculated actions with complete disregard for human life, actions designed not only to kill but also to criminalize the murder of Israelis.

Time after time we read about the horrors of times gone by and wonder how they were possible. In practice, we systematically forget the basic destructive power of fundamentalist ideology. All these ideological conceptions are built on dehumanization from the other. What happened on 7 October was an assembly line of a killing machine.

IDF soldiers return fire near Gaza, photo: AP

Israel has a legal and moral right to defend itself. We all have an obligation to follow our moral compass and deny any space for discourse that tries to explain the horrific acts, put them in context, and worse, justify them. There is no justification and no explanation. And never will be.

Attempts to justify mass slaughter are themselves crimes. Therefore, those who attempt to "translate" the vicious attack, carried out in the name of a fundamentalist cult of violent death, into "resistance" or "decolonization" will be as guilty as the murderers themselves.

The funeral of Sergeant Amichai and his late great-grandson, photo: Reuters

The Hamas terror organization should be denied the ability to govern Gaza, to terrorize the Israeli people and its own people. The Palestinian issue can only be resolved by political elements that will dissociate themselves from terrorism in all its forms and are willing to work towards a rational and constructive outline for the future of the Palestinian people.

Romania and Israel share 75 years of diplomatic relations. More than 600,<> Israelis have roots in Romania. Romania stands with Israel. Our governments and presidents stand shoulder to shoulder. The Romanian people share the mourning of the Israeli nation. The people of Israel live!

Cornelius Cornelião || Cypriot Ambassador - "A civilized son cannot justify such atrocities"

Cornelius Corneliou, Ambassador of Cyprus,

I only came to Israel in July, and immediately felt the warmth of the people here, both personally and professionally.

The relationship between our two countries is shaped by our geography, history and energy richness. Our friendship goes beyond the Mediterranean that unites us. Today, Cyprus and Israel are strategic partners, with shared values and interests. Cyprus, Israel's good neighbor, is also home to thousands of Israelis who work and live on the island, which is only 40 minutes from Tel Aviv.

A spray-painted door in Gaza village, Photo: GettyImages

The shocking terrorist attack against Israel, which shocked us, was strongly condemned by Cyprus. A civilized person cannot justify such atrocities. This is a dark moment that will stay with us.

Stefan Seibert || Ambassador of Germany - "I have never felt closer to you and your country"

Stefan Seibert, Ambassador of Germany,

Dear Israelis, I have never felt so close to you and your country as I am today after the horrific terrorist attacks of 7 October – and this is true of millions of Germans. Many of your best people, young and old, were mercilessly murdered by Hamas terrorists. Each and every one of them will be remembered not for their deaths, but for the full life they had and for the love they gave their families and friends.

The thoughts of the many who were kidnapped and taken to Gaza are unbearable, including several German citizens. I pray that everyone will return home as soon as possible. The entire world must demand their immediate release.

Germany stands by you as you defend yourself against such evil. I hope that in these difficult times you feel the strength and warmth of the bonds of friendship that you, the people of Israel, have forged around the world.

Sergio Brabanti || Italian Ambassador - "If there is light in the darkness of these hours, it comes from Israel"

Sergio Brabanti, Ambassador of Italy,

October 7 this year forever in my soul and on the tablet of my heart. The feeling of dread comes straight from our hearts. We are speechless, crushed.

Italy expressed its deep solidarity and support – President Mattarella to President Herzog, Prime Minister Meloni to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Taini to Minister Cohen. As Taini said in parliament: "The Hamas attack is a brutal, unjustified and extremely dangerous act that must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Israel has every right to exist and defend itself, as well as to live in peace and security."

I am honored to represent and serve Italy in Israel at this tragic time. I'm here to share and help. Every time I see the Israeli flag, it reminds me of October 7, but it will always remind me of the strength of the Jewish people, the sense of purpose that accompanies it, the perseverance of the State of Israel in all its components, a state from which the entire world benefits. There is no question at all: If there is light in the darkness of these hours, it comes from Israel.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-12

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