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Opinion | Who are the new anti-Semites? | Israel Hayom


Highlights: New heights of anti-Semitism are being recorded around the world. Jews flee to side rooms of U.S. universities; speakers speak of the day when we will miss the clean and polite extermination arrangements of the Nazis. Religious fanaticism spread throughout Europe and America, where it met ignorance. Anti-Semitism today is not only an expression of hatred of Jews, but hatred of Western culture. Israel is an island of sanity in a crazy region, and a front of good versus evil in an ever-growing world.

They shout "liberate Gaza," even though it is an independent territory. Support Hamas even though a quarter of the world's Muslims are committed to destroying Western culture

New heights of anti-Semitism are being recorded around the world: chants of "Jews to the gas" in the streets of Western cities, with no arrests or charges; Jews flee to side rooms of U.S. universities; Eloquent speakers speak of the day when we will miss the clean and polite extermination arrangements of the Nazis. There is also fear among Jewish communities around the world: at the beginning of the war they were still worried about our well-being, and now we at WIZO are worried about their well-being.

There are communities in Europe where families are closed off and do not dare to leave their homes.

"The struggle is between humanity and genocides," Elon Musk tweeted in such a simple and clear summary that it's hard to believe that half the world, and perhaps the writer himself, reads it the opposite of us. How, in the face of such saturated and vivid testimonies, when even our terrorist enemies no longer bother to hide their cruelty towards us and their people alike, how is it possible that half the world stands with evil, in a struggle that is the essence of the front between humanity and genocide?

Two things that have always been there make up contemporary anti-Semitism: hatred and ignorance. Religious fanaticism spread throughout Europe and America, where it met ignorance. The result: anti-Semitism today is not only an expression of hatred of Jews, but hatred of Western culture, and the level of anti-Semitism in the world is now the most faithful "fear index" for the well-being of the entire world.

Recently, a video has circulated online in which the host asks passersby in the United States to sign a letter of support for Hamas, and they willingly agree. Then, before signing, he reads to them clauses from the Hamas charter, and they are amazed to discover what Hamas stands for: denial of women's rights, non-recognition of LGBT people, and more – and change their minds and do not sign. The video joins the act of the comedian who joined a stormy anti-Israel demonstration and asked those present what they thought about the Israeli occupation of Australia, to which he replied that Israel should leave Australia immediately. Amusing or sad? The new anti-Semites have no idea why they are.

They shout "Free Gaza," even though Gaza has long been an independent territory. They complain about a "siege" in Gaza, even though Gaza also has a border with Egypt – so why aren't there missiles on Cairo as well? They support Hamas even though a quarter of the world's Muslims are committed to the destruction of Western civilization. It is wrong to sacrifice the Jews, but to what future are you condemning your grandchildren?

The video joins the act of the comedian who joined a stormy anti-Israel demonstration and asked those present what they thought about the Israeli occupation of Australia, to which he replied that Israel should leave Australia immediately. Amusing or sad?

In this crisis, there is an opportunity for the leaders of the free world to declare war on the seeds of calamity that are planted in their own countries as well. They must do so by suppressing their supporters of terrorism, outlawing anti-Semitism and expelling all those who seek to harm the free world.

In the face of cries of "Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea" in London, Paris and Malmö, it is clearer than ever that the Zionist enterprise is the basis of our existence and security.

Israel is an island of sanity in a crazy region, and a front of good versus evil, a source of light and humanity in an ever-growing world.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-06

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