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Crosetto does not know the Constitution


Highlights: Defence Minister does not know the role of the judiciary, he says. "We are not intimidated by media brawls," he adds. The minister is part of a left-leaning group that seeks to promote the principles of the democratic rule of law in Italy. He is also a member of the Italian Association of Magistrates (ANM), which seeks to protect the rights of all Italians to freedom of speech and of the press. The ANM says it is committed to protecting the right to a fair trial and to the protection of human rights.

Defence Minister Guido Crosetto is not aware of the role of guarantor of the protection of fundamental rights attributed by the Constitution to the judiciary, the secretary of Magistratura Democratica (MD) and deputy prosecutor of Reggio Calabria Stefano M... © ANSA

(see related story) (ANSA) - ROME, DEC 1 - Defence Minister Guido Crosetto is notaware of the role of guarantor of the protection of fundamentalrights attributed by the Constitution to the judiciary, thesecretary of Magistratura Democratica (MD) and deputy prosecutorof Reggio Calabria Stefano Musolino said on Friday.
   "I believe that the minister does not know some of thefundamentals of our Constitution and especially the role ofguaranteeing the protection of fundamental rights that theCharter attributes to the judiciary, which is the reason why itis independent from other powers," said Musolino in response tostatements made by Crosetto to the Lower House earlier in theday.
   "We are not intimidated by media brawls," he added.
   MD is part of a left-leaning movement within the Italianmagistrates association ANM that seeks to promote the principlesof the democratic rule of law, especially respect for humanrights and fundamental freedoms.
   Photo: Defence Minister Guido Crosetto (ANSA).

Source: ansa

All news articles on 2023-12-01

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