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Le Gabriel, a cuisine of flavours


Highlights: Jérôme Banctel has made the discreet restaurant of the Hotel La Réserve in Paris a must-see place for gourmets. If lunchtime multiplies business meals, the evening brings together a clientele that takes the time to appreciate both the elegance of the place and the meal. The discretion of the chef, in the kitchen during the service, leaves it to his team to convey his intentions. The sommelier will advise you and guide your curiosity about little-known bottles.

Jérôme Banctel has made the discreet restaurant of the Hotel La Réserve in Paris a must-see place for gourmets.

Where to go for an exceptional dinner? Where can you find original cuisine without being in a self-centered extravagance? Where can you enjoy a dish that deserves more than a corner of memory? Answer: at Jérôme Banctel's, at the Gabriel, the restaurant (2 stars) of the Hotel La Réserve, at the bottom of the Champs-Élysées. If lunchtime multiplies business meals, the evening brings together a clientele that takes the time to appreciate both the elegance of the place and the meal.

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The decoration infused in gold and bronze, an intimate half-light envelops the room in a masked softness. Tables laid out and spaced out, candles... This refined setting does not preclude conviviality. Life is essential. If you have forgotten your glasses, several pairs are available. Perfect responsiveness!

Read alsoThe best restaurants for business lunches in Paris

The discretion of the chef, in the kitchen during the service, leaves it to his team to convey his intentions. Safran Paris/SDFP

The discretion of the chef, in the kitchen during the service, leaves it to his team to convey his intentions. It's done without pretense, with a playful kindness. The sommelier will advise you and guide your curiosity about little-known bottles. The menu...

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Source: lefigaro

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