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Opinion | This is how I was pleasantly disappointed by the bureaucracy | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Israel Hayom: I have some medical matters, and I needed to negotiate with some government institution. He prepared in advance a kit of curses, ample time, a device to put the phone on while the jingle played in the background, a sandwich so I wouldn't starve, and the number of Linoy Bar-Geffen and Aviv Lavi. The way of attacked bodies is to entrench themselves and fight back. Fine standards of service should become a basic matter, without which the body/company has no right to exist.

I prepared in advance a kit of curses, ample time, a device to put the phone on while the jingle played in the background, a sandwich so I wouldn't starve, and the number of Linoy Bar-Geffen and Aviv Lavi

These days there are not many reasons for joy and peace. When there is one, it is worth sharing. It may be personal and minor, but it also has a nice public meaning. In short, what I'm babbling about - agree and hear:

For two weeks now, I've been walking with a tiny engine of optimism pulsing through me. I have some medical matters, and I needed to negotiate with some government institution. At this point we will not mention his name.

Since I am already at an age when basic assumptions are established, I prepared for this interaction according to the tradition on which I was raised and educated, according to which a relationship with a government institution for a specific purpose is a life path: you enter it a young man full of energy - and leave it slouched and in a wheelchair, when usually the issue for which you gathered is not resolved at all.

I've already made ample time, and a device to put the phone on while the jingle plays in the background for dozens of minutes, a sandwich so I don't starve, a bottle of soda, as well as the set of words and fragments of curses designed for such stands: audacity, unbelievable, just unbelievable, no, it's just unbelievable, cassette... Piece... Sa'am..., as well as the numbers of my friends Aviv Lavi and Linoy Bar-Geffen, who are doing wonders on Army Radio in the field of fighting bureaucracy. So be it.

With all this baggage, I approached the project, already trying to calm the rage afterward, while the first appeal hadn't even been written.

And here are the results: from the moment the request was sent on the site, until the moment everything I asked for (a somewhat complicated matter, it should be noted) worked out in the best way possible - two and a half days passed. Throughout the process, I was updated with excess precision about its progress (which is the most important part, right? After all, we don't really want the purpose. We want to feel taken care of), and everything that was promised was fulfilled.

And for some reason, for some reason, this trivial matter manages to comfort me and make me feel stable. He manages to restore trust in man and society. He manages to assure me that the business works and that once upon a time it will be good.

The way of attacked bodies is to entrench themselves and fight back. It is worth trying another, positive way. Fine standards of service should become a basic matter, without which the body/company has no right to exist

The natural tendency is to complain about opposite cases. The web is full of complaints about poor service, screenshots of ongoing conversations and unusually long wait times fill every corner, and correspondence with rigid bots is reported in the open. All this is true and legitimate. I am not condemning those who, in his wrath, choose to shaming, a public or commercial body that does him an injustice (I do, but there is no room here to elaborate now).

What's more, it's much less effective. The way of attacked bodies is to entrench themselves and fight back. It is worth trying another, positive way. Fine standards of service should become a basic matter, without which the body/company has no right to exist. It should start with the glorification of bodies that choose to behave this way.

If everyone who encounters a good standard publishes it, a lot of bad and critical blood will be spared, and the result will be the same. Therefore, with great pleasure and Israeli and Zionist pride, I must announce that the body I spoke about and praised is the National Insurance Institute. Good for you. Keep it up.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2024-01-02

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