The Limited Times

0_1oshsc9v | Israel today

3/19/2020, 9:58:34 AM


Establishment of the committee will allow the Knesset to start acting

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein announced Thursday that the Knesset will approve the establishment of the regular committee on Monday, after the Knesset Speaker, Adv. Il Yinon, issued an opinion last night stating that the law states that the committee should be set up "as soon as possible".

Photo: Knesset channel

Yanun emphasized that the importance of establishing the committee stems from the fact that as long as this committee is not established, the Knesset cannot begin its activities, and this committee can start the Knesset's activities and expedite the establishment of a foreign and security committee, a finance committee and a special committee to supervise the government on the Corona virus.

It is still unclear how the voting will take place, in light of the Ministry of Health's directives prohibiting more than 10 MKs from entering the plenary hall. A Knesset CEO's team is looking for a creative solution, and the vote may be in a similar format to the Knesset's swearing-in ceremony.

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