The Limited Times

Looking for a bat

8/14/2021, 12:16:19 PM

Watching bats as a family outing: The district group Erding of the state association for bird protection lends the necessary equipment for it.

Watching bats as a family outing: The district group Erding of the state association for bird protection lends the necessary equipment for it.

Erding / Isen

- watching bats - with a little luck this is possible in many places in the district.

The district group Erding of the Landesbund für Vogelschutz (LBV) lends the necessary equipment for a family outing on the subject of bats.

And so that it really works with tracking down the bats, the bat backpack not only contains detectors that make the calls of the hunters of the night audible to the human ear, but also suggested tours for Erding, Dorfen and Isen.

The LBV lists a particularly large number of species for the area around the Erdinger Stadtwehr: In addition to noctule bat and water bat, the pipistrelle also hunts here.

You can spot noctule bats in Erdinger Stadtpark, noctule bat and water bat at the Dorfen catchment basin and bearded bats in Isen behind the Urtlmühle in the direction of Burgrain.

Bat backpack: borrowing is free

"The offer is aimed primarily at families who want to find out more about bats on a trip on a mild summer evening," says Uschi Schmidt-Hoensdorf, district chairwoman of the LBV.

You can borrow the rucksack, which contains a description of the routes, four headlamps, an instruction manual for the detector, a researcher's book for your own observations and a brochure about bats, and is free of charge.

A deposit of 50 euros is due upon collection, which will be paid back if the goods are returned in full and undamaged.

The backpack must be returned after a maximum of 48 hours.

The lending station is at Schmidt-Hoensdorf in Isen, Eck 4. Inquiries and reservations can be made by calling (0 80 83) 91 11 or by e-mail to  

Anne Huber

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