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Susanna Tamaro, I withdraw from public life but continue to write


Announcement on 62th birthday. Donate Và pc where your heart takes you (ANSA)

"I withdraw from public life because I have no more energy to move. I suffer from a neurological syndrome, that of Asperger, which gives so many advantages, like a scary memory, but also many disadvantages, especially after 50 years": Susanna Tamaro chose the her 62nd birthday to announce a step back from her commitments, which will not, however, lead her to stop creating. "I choose to stay at home to still be able to write," he announced in Orvieto, near which he has lived for 30 years. Tamaro celebrated his birthday by donating to the Vetrya corporate campus the Mac computer with which in 1992 he wrote what remained of his' book, Go where your heart takes you ". He did it during an event entirely dedicated to her," Good Susanna's birthday. "When I wrote 'Where does your heart take you' I received many attacks, one was: 'How, did you write it with the computer?' Then it seemed like magic. Yes, I wrote it with the computer and here is the computer, "he recalled. Between irony, memories, the most beautiful and the most difficult, and announcements." He lived with me for so many years - he explained discovering the case that he will keep the pc -, he wrote so many books and it's nice that now people can see him, that he can be part of the community. After so many years of writing, for me it was like a magic wand, a liberation to be able to use it ".

The event organized by the Luca & Katia Tomassini Foundation, founders of the digital company Vetrya, with music the final cake was the occasion for the Trieste writer to retrace her 30-year career, culminating with the 1994 success of over 15 millions of copies. "At the beginning - he explained - when I saw that Va 'where the heart takes you it was first in the standings I thought of a mistake. Then he stayed for three years. The book spoke to the whole world, evidently touched something human that connects everyone and this is a huge wealth for a writer. I answered thousands of emails and letters, then I discovered that only Hermann Hesse did it. " The arrival of success, however, as well as material wealth - "money put me in anguish, I didn't know what to do with it, so in 2000 I donated everything to a foundation created to promote projects for women", said Tamaro - he also brought the criticisms. "For 10 -15 years - continued the writer - I received 360 degrees attacks from all sides, including death threats. There was a climate of witch hunts, because I was the witch. A very serious hatred , because of the media. For a very sensitive artist like me it was terrible. I suffered a lot and it took away from me the joy of writing that I had before ".

Umbria, where it has lived for 30 years (in the municipality of Porano) and contact with nature, make it return, however, to peace with the world. "Fortunately - said Tamaro - I am very distracted and I don't remember being a famous person, this allows me a more relaxed life. I am very attached to my origins, but in Umbria there is a nineteenth-century time, there is no hurry, there is art, culture and a level of human relations that is beautiful, warm. It is important to have come here - concluded Tamaro -, because it allowed me to write important books ". Then the announcement of being forced to withdraw from public life due to Asperger's syndrome. "A pathology that gives so many advantages - he explained - but also many disadvantages, especially after 50 years. Until I was young I was able to manage it, after 50 I started to get worse. I can no longer move, travel, meet, I have no more force to do it and having to choose I choose to stay at home to be able to write again ". "It is not a retreat for the disgust of the world," said Tamaro.

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2019-12-13

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