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Meloni, I deliberately did not touch the powers of the Quirinale - Last hour


Highlights: Meloni, I deliberately did not touch the powers of the Quirinale - Last hour. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this at a press point in Toronto. "The powers remain firm and unchanged", added Meloni, renewing "such esteem" for the head of state. "An attempt is being made to start a conflict with the President of the Republic because the left does not he knows how to explain that he doesn't want citizens to choose who to represent them by"

"Whoever is serious knows very well that I have made a reform that deliberately does not affect the powers of the head of state, because I know that President Mattarella is a figure of guarantee, he is a unifying institution." (HANDLE)

"Whoever is serious knows very well that I have made a reform that deliberately does not affect the powers of the head of state, because I know that President Mattarella is a figure of guarantee, he is a unifying institution".

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this at a press point in Toronto.

"The powers remain firm and unchanged", added Meloni, renewing "such esteem" for the head of state and "solidarity for the attempts to use him: the game is very clear to me, an attempt is being made to start a conflict with the President of the Republic because the left does not he knows how to explain that he doesn't want citizens to choose who to represent them by."

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-03-02

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