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Today's horoscope, February 2, 2020, of all the zodiac signs


Check here your horoscope today, Sunday, February 2. What do the stars hold for you today with a calm day? Predictions for all signs

In today's horoscope, Sunday, February 2 , the Moon and Saturn combine their energies giving you peace and well-being to enjoy your surroundings.


Adding to the influence of Mercury this weekend that stimulates you mentally, today the Moon and Saturn combine so that you can balance your emotional world and enjoy a day of much inner peace; one in which you feel very good about yourself and those around you.

You will decide to organize during the day, prepare your agenda and then enjoy with your family, since the Wheel of Fortune is going through the family area and you need to be with them and feel them close to your heart. So keep a chat on Skype, but feel close to them.

See also:

Aries weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Aries monthly horoscope for February
Aries 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Moon is still in your sign and, in addition to being more sensitive to everything that happens around you, you are still tense for having had to solve everything quickly during the last days, beyond your success thanks to the influence of Mercury .

Therefore, it is good that you take this day calmly, because the Universe gives it to you through the Moon and Saturn.

With this influence, you can keep both your emotional and mental world tidy, feeling more secure in the things that are to come. Your mind is very positive, since the Wheel of Fortune allows you to feel and see only the good of what happens to you.

See also:

Taurus weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Taurus monthly horoscope for February
Taurus 2020 annual horoscope


You are a sign that does not like to be alone, because you always have a reason to talk and have a good time. But today just the Moon and Saturn recommend you stay more in your inner circle, without so much social life.

This is not related as something negative, but quite the opposite. Many times you fill your daily life with the presence of people and do not discover the pleasure of going through moments of solitude.

This can also make you happy, because you also want to calmly review some new business proposals that have been made to you, since you know that new doors are being opened economically.

See also:

Gemini weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Gemini monthly horoscope for February
Annual Gemini Horoscope 2020


When the Moon passes through a land sign like Taurus, it favors you to strengthen relationships with your friends and create a firmer bond. One based on the feeling of brotherhood and supporting each other.

In addition, this influence gives you a certain tranquility that today allows you to relax and be able to show your affection to others without falling into jealous scenes; issue you should control, since this is your trend for 2020.

While you're a water sign, it's hard for you to express what you feel by being quite introverted; However, this moon helps you to open up.

See also:

Weekly Cancer Horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Monthly Cancer Horoscope for February
Annual Cancer Horoscope 2020


You come from moments of very good luck to others of disappointments that made you sad, since your expectations had been very high, but they were not fulfilled.

Today the Moon continues to activate the sign of Taurus and is combined with Saturn. Because of this, you should stay more stable without relying on external events, so you will not have abrupt reactions.

The important thing is that you enjoy this day and slowly clarify your work goals, because next week important changes come. In addition, I advise you to open your heart more because you could meet people who impact you.

See also:

Leo's weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Leo monthly horoscope for February
Leo 2020 annual horoscope


Today will be a very productive day for your sign, since the Moon in Taurus agrees with Saturn in Capricorn. This helps you to have greater understanding of your emotions and thus have your mind calmer.

You can be realistic while still being sentimental and demonstrate what you feel without becoming weak or dependent on others. These vibrations allow you to enjoy and organize your personal and family daily life.

When you feel good emotionally, your character is good and your good mood is remarkable. That is why today, you should also prepare a good outing with your partner or friends to restore a good relationship.

See also:

Virgo weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Virgo monthly horoscope for February
Virgo 2020 annual horoscope


The Moon in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn combine to continue organizing your agenda for the month according to the dates given in the monthly horoscope for your sign.

But in the afternoon, the Wheel of Fortune makes a movement that awakens your desire to have fun and meet friends. Renew within yourself the emotion of finding a new love and you will want to give yourself the opportunity to do it on this day.

You know that you are very seductive and kind, because you have those qualities to conquer, in addition to the good way in which you speak and express yourself. For all this, you should also use the rituals to attract and maintain love.

See also:

Libra weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Libra monthly horoscope for February
Libra 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Moon will continue activating the Taurus sign, opposite and complementary sign to yours, and agrees with Saturn to give you a day of much internal balance.

You can leave aside the weaknesses and confusion, feeling strong and recovered from the instabilities of the week. Meanwhile, the Wheel of Fortune favors you to decide to start the search for a new relationship; Therefore, take advantage of this day to define what the person you want next to you is like.

You have to do it clearly because remember that the Universe gives you what you ask. So you have to be a good retailer and then go to find it according to your zodiac sign.

See also:

Weekly Scorpio horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Scorpio monthly horoscope for February
2020 annual Scorpio horoscope


While you recover from the impact of the week, it is a good time to take all this rest day, because the planetary movements generate a climate of harmony and well-being.

If you are to practice different relaxation exercises or meditation, it is an excellent day to align and so tomorrow start a new week that comes with several changes.

This alignment of your chakras will make you change and clean your aura in simple ways, which will allow you to attract better situations in the coming days. Above all, it will allow you to keep your mind clear when there are doubts about the way forward.

See also:

Sagittarius weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Sagittarius monthly horoscope for February
Annual Sagittarius Horoscope 2020


The Moon continues on its way through Taurus, while Saturn is still in your sign, which is becoming more noticeable every day, since there is little time left there and it begins to fulfill many of your plans.

In recent weeks, changes and unforeseen events have altered you, but today the Universe allows you to stabilize and take everything in a better mood. Particularly, regarding love.

This combination helps you enjoy a romantic dinner with a passionate night, so pamper yourself and enjoy this special outing. Also, you have everything in favor if you are going to look for the desired son on this night of love.

See also:

Capricorn weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Capricorn monthly horoscope for February
Capricorn 2020 annual horoscope


Today is a day to maintain tranquility and order according to where the Moon passes. For your sign, that space is the home and family sector. Although the organization is not what characterizes you the most, today you should try to continue with the recommendations that the Universe gives you.

With the ups and downs you have had in the week and the unforeseen events, you have not had time to enjoy dinner with your family and catch up with what happens to each one. So take the opportunity to do so and fill your heart with affection.

In this way, you can prepare for the next week in which there will be many planetary movements influencing you.

See also:

Aquarius weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Aquarius monthly horoscope for February
Aquarius 2020 annual horoscope


Being a water sign, you are susceptible to the phase and the sign where the Moon passes. Today it continues its path by the sign Taurus and, in addition, it combines its energies with Saturn that also activates an earth sign, giving you a lot of practicality and stability. Qualities that you need to apply and that will help you better manage the changes that will arrive next week.

While this happens, dedicate yourself to enjoy and spend a day outdoors. Not only values ​​what you have achieved materially, but also your maturation and all the nature that surrounds you, because its energy accompanies you.

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Pisces weekly horoscope, from January 27 to February 2, 2020
Pisces monthly horoscope for February
Pisces 2020 annual horoscope

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Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-02-02

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