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Dangerous flu: How to protect yourself from the infectious disease


Winter time is flu time - in the cold months, the influenza wave goes around again. Read here which turbo tips help and who better should be vaccinated.

Winter time is flu time - in the cold months, the influenza wave goes around again. Read here which turbo tips help and who better should be vaccinated.

Sniffing, coughing and sneezing - when the temperatures drop below zero, the flu wave rolls over Germany again. Those who get infected have to deal with all kinds of complaints.

Since October 2019, 202 people have been killed by the flu virus

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as the federal higher authority for infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases reported that infections with the influenza virus have caused 202 deaths in Germany since October 2019. During the ongoing flu epidemic, over 119,000 influenza diseases confirmed by laboratory diagnostics have already been reported. Especially risk groups such as the elderly, chronically ill or pregnant women.

Influence season 2017/2018: worst flu wave in 30 years

In 2017/2018, around 25,100 people died in Germany from a virus flu. This is the highest number of deaths in the past 30 years , as the Ärzteblatt Lothar Wieler, President of the RKI, quotes. Over seven million people saw a doctor in 2017/2018 due to a virus flu.

Current situation in Germany: Over 79,000 confirmed flu cases since October 2019

According to the Robert Koch Institute's "Influenza Working Group", this year's flu wave started in the second calendar week of 2020. This means that since January 6, 2020, more and more cases of flu have been reported to the RKI . The interactive map on the website of the Robert Koch Institute shows that influenza activity is increased in many regions of Germany and that numerous herds of flu have formed (as of 02/2020).

In total, 79,263 confirmed cases of influenza confirmed by laboratory diagnostics have been transmitted to the RKI as part of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG) since October 2019 . The IfSG regulates which diseases are suspect, ill or dead and which laboratory diagnostic evidence of pathogens must be reported. The following pathogens of the respiratory tract can cause flu symptoms:

  • Adenoviruses (fever and sore throat)
  • Influenza viruses
  • Respiratory Syncytial (RS) Viruses (respiratory complaints)
  • Human metapneumoviruses (bronchitis)
  • Rhinoviruses

The latter are said to have been responsible for most flu cases in the drastic 2017/2018 influenza season.

More on the topic : Flu 2019/2020 current: Over 79,000 confirmed cases.

Difference between real flu and cold

Few people know the difference between a cold and a real influenza. Both diseases are triggered by pathogens - but by different types. An important criterion for differentiation is certainly that the flu suddenly breaks out , while it can take several days for the cold.

Common symptoms such as runny nose or cough are common to both, but they differ in the intensity or severity of the symptoms. The following can also occur:

  • Headache, neck pain and body aches
  • Hot flashes
  • chills
  • Loss of appetite
  • High fever
  • Exhaustion
  • difficulty in breathing

Another "peculiarity" of influenza is that it occurs suddenly - but it can last at least five to seven days, if not up to a few weeks . A flu can be more persistent, especially in children, because their immune system is not yet fully developed like in an adult.

In addition, it is assumed that those affected carry the flu viruses much earlier than at the time of the outbreak and can be contagious to their surroundings a day before the symptoms appear. This can continue for up to a few days after the influenza has subsided . But what to do if you have full control over influenza?

In the video: is it a cold or a flu?

Get rid of the flu quickly with these tips and home remedies

Then only apply: put your feet up, wait - and drink a lot. Basically, you should be careful in the acute phase - and it is best to spend time in bed. It is also important that you support your body in the fight against the nasty flu viruses and that you drink a lot of fluids. Finally, heating air & Co. dry out the mucous membranes . This means that they are less able to ward off the pathogens - which is why they should not go to work.

Because job stress or other psychological and physical stress only make the already weakened immune system even more vulnerable. The viruses penetrate the body more quickly and multiply there rapidly. So drinking a lot is important - just like a proper extra portion of sleep. When the body and mind are at rest, the body cells have enough time to regenerate - including the defense cells that fight the intruders.

You can also protect yourself against these if you wash your hands regularly and thoroughly, especially in the cold season *. The best thing to do is:

  • Hold your hands under the water jet for at least 30 seconds.
  • Wash them carefully with soap and
  • rub them properly.

You can also do yourself good with the right (healthy) diet - those who eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables get all the important vitamins and minerals that the body needs to regain their strength. Herbal teas and nutritious (chicken) soups do the rest.

If you are only struggling with mild flu symptoms or if they are already subsiding, the following home remedies from grandmother's natural pharmacy can help:

  • Calf wrap
  • Facial steam bath
  • Nasal douches
  • Cold rags on the neck or on the forehead
  • Hot cold bath
  • Neck gargling with cold sage tea
  • Hang damp towels in the room at night

However, if the complaints are (still) too severe, it is advisable to go to the doctor right away. This then usually prescribes special drugs that fight the influenza viruses.

When does a flu shot make sense?

But to prevent it from getting this far, it is better for some people to prevent flu vaccination straight away . The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) therefore recommends that all those who are interested in vaccination do so best in October, November and December . Risk groups in particular should get information from their family doctor so that they are prepared for the winter months at an early stage. This includes:

  • Seniors (people aged 60 years or older)
  • Pregnant women
  • (Small) children
  • Chronically ill with diabetes, asthma, HIV or cardiovascular diseases
  • Medical and nursing staff; Caregiver for risk patients
  • People with weak immune systems

The RKI warns that too few Germans could have been vaccinated during the 2016/2017 flu season. Particularly piquant: only 35 percent of seniors received a flu shot in 2016. The reason for this: rumors circulate repeatedly in the media that the vaccine should not work equally for everyone. But according to the press spokeswoman Susanne Glasmacher of the RKI, " moderate vaccination protection is better than none ." She assures that the vaccine can help against particularly serious illnesses. Therefore, the RKI recommends that the vaccination be refreshed every year since the effects last only for half a year .

However, people who know that they have an egg allergy to chicken should be careful . There is hardly a vaccine that cannot do without the animal protein. Therefore, this group of people should avoid it and ask the responsible family doctor for an alternative. However, when it comes to costs, many flinch again.

Flu vaccination: Does statutory health insurance cover the costs?

The cost of a flu shot is between 20 and 30 euros. It is best to ask your family doctor how it is handled in their practice - or directly from your responsible health insurance company. If you belong to the risk group, there is a high probability that the costs will be borne by the statutory health insurers. For example, if your doctor sees a medical need for vaccination, you can have the vaccine credited to the patient's name against statutory health insurance.

In the worst case, the person affected must first pay for the vaccination out of their own pocket - and submit an application for cost coverage with the receipt from their own health insurance company. However, there are already some health insurance companies that have made special agreements with the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV). These include:

  • Techniker Krankenkasse
  • Commercial health insurance
  • BKK 24
  • Pronova BKK
  • Actimonda health insurance
  • VIACTIV health insurance
  • AOK
  • Barmer

If you want to find out whether your health insurance company is also included, you should check the respective homepage. There they usually provide information as to whether you are following the recommendations of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin and the so-called vaccination guideline (SiR).

+++ Also on the subject : Flu wave in Weilheim-Schongau: Doctor clearly warns “Dark figure extremely high” *

But be careful: "These are mostly the trivalent vaccines mentioned by the Commission. Triple vaccines contain antigens from two A variants and one B variant. Quadruple vaccines contain the same antigens as the triple vaccines and additionally the antigens from another B virus ", informs the page, which the Paul Ehrlich Institute recommends. There are already quadruple vaccines (tetravalent), but according to the STIKO these have not yet proven to be more effective than the triple vaccine. But if you want them, you have to pay them out of your own pocket.

Read also : How long does flu last for adults - and for children?

Sources :;

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

jp / jg

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

These viruses and bacteria make us sick

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