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Expand the search area for the missing woman in Mar del Plata


Claudia Repetto is 53 years old. They suspect that she was kidnapped by her former partner.

03/08/2020 - 17:24

  • Clarí
  • Society

Long live we love you. Clau, your family loves you , ”says the flag on the facade of Claudia Repetto's house (53).

Exactly one week ago the earth swallowed it. Nor is anything known about his former partner, whom the children of the missing woman in Mar del Plata point to as responsible for his absence. And within that framework, the rakes continue in new parts of the city.

There are more than one hundred members of firefighters and provincial and federal security forces looking for Claudia. This Sunday, for example, the tasks were resumed early and extended to a rural area called Monte Terrabusi, in the south of Mar del Plata, next to the old road that connects with Miramar.

Claudia Repetto, 53, disappeared in Mar del Plata on Monday, March 2.

Police sources indicated that the operation in the next few hours the search will be extended to the Cemetery Park area , after this Saturday they were focused on the Peralta Ramos Forest and its surroundings, as well as on Cliffs, along Route 11, in the area where a shovel was found on Thursday.

That finding was key because the shovel is similar to what a neighbor said he had lent to Rodriguez weeks ago. And he joined Claudia's social work card that was found in a garbage pile in the Punta Mogotes neighborhood, where he raked but there were no positive results.

The investigation, in charge of the prosecutor Fernando Castro, head of the UFI N ° 1, tries to find the whereabouts of Claudia, and also that of his ex-partner, indicated as the main suspect of the disappearance of the woman.

It was Claudia's family that on Monday, March 2, reported her disappearance after she was absent without notice of her work. Her youngest son, Cristian González, explained to Télam that her last contact was with a friend who was to pick her up on Sunday night.

Investigators point to Rodriguez as the main suspect, with whom Claudia had had a relationship until seven months ago. That link was described by the woman's children as " violent ." The man left his house, which is next to that of the missing woman, early on Monday, March 2.

Rodríguez, in addition, left documentation of a motorcycle for one of his children in the area of ​​the natural reserve of the Port, so in the early hours the search for trails was concentrated in that swampy area and with a lot of vegetation, but after several of Days of work, there were no positive results.

Judicial sources indicated that the investigation is oriented towards double whereabouts , although the woman's relatives indicated that it is a forced disappearance.

Claudia's relatives and relatives concentrated on Saturday night in front of the Marplatense Cathedral to claim his appearance alive , and distribute flyers with his image and that of the suspect, and will participate in the mobilization for International Women's Day in the city ​​center.

Source: clarin

All life articles on 2020-03-08

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