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Coronavirus: Difficult situation in Lombardy. Bergamo anesthesiologist: 'We will bear very little'


Conte: 'There is maximum attention'. We need masks. Di Maio: 'Exports from France and Germany unblocked'. Consip: '3,800 lung ventilators ordered'. Decisive hours for the new decree [ -virus-_b39e0f90-d6c6-4850-9a12-88650a0e6f5d.html] (ANSA)

While the government is working on new measures to support the economy and workers for the coronavirus emergency, the situation in Lombardy is becoming more complicated every day.

"We intubate in Intensive Care even more than 7 people a day and we work tirelessly, with an average of one shift every 14 days", tells ANSA Ivano Riva, anesthesiologist and resuscitator of the Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo. "If the trend of the SarsCov2 epidemic continues at this rate, Bergamo will still hold up very little," he admits.

" I believe there is a very wrong perception in Rome and beyond . The situation is objectively very serious - the governor of Lombardy Attilio Fontana said in an interview in the Republic in the morning - the virus is sneaky, disappears and reappears and hits hard. drips of beds for intensive care, the commissioner tells me that there are a few dozen ".

The government's reply is not long in coming. "There is maximum attention for the situation in Lombardy" , points out the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. "I see thousands of people working at risk and without stopping, from hospitals to those who guarantee services, from Regions, to Mayors, to Government, to Civil Protection. And I ask: enough controversy, enough mutual attacks. We are all on the same boat and there is no time to waste, " says the head of the delegation of the Democratic Party Dario Franceschini.

THE SITUATION IN VENETO WAS INCREASED - This morning, 2,172, with the addition of the last 178 cases with which the report of the Veneto Region was updated. The hospitalized patients are 426 (+10), those in intensive care 129 (+4). The death toll is worsening, now at 63, with 3 patients who died during the night. 120 patients have been discharged since the beginning of the emergency on 21 February.

FANS AND MASKS ARE NEEDED - "Our priority is to make doctors, nurses and all health personnel work safely, who with courage and spirit of self-sacrifice is working for the care of citizens, dedicating themselves to this health emergency without saving energy. As a government we are strenuously committed - and myself through contacts with my counterparts - to procure in a very short time the protective devices that allow them to work in maximum safety, "said Conte. Minister Luigi Di Maio also made it known that "the export of masks, suits and face shields from Germany and France has been unblocked". To cope with the emergency, Consip has already ordered 3,800 lung ventilators , has made an additional 300 available for immediate delivery, and has contracted supplies for over 30 million surgical masks, more than 7 million gloves, over 13 million coveralls, boots, headphones and gowns (still to be assigned by the Civil Protection) and for over 390 thousand swabs and more than 260 diagnostic kits corresponding to over 67 thousand tests. The company announced this by explaining that all supplies "are completely safe".

IN MILAN 10 THOUSAND CHECKS - There were 9924 checks on compliance with the provisions for the containment of Coronavirus carried out in Milan yesterday. In 24 hours the law enforcement officers checked 4,937 people, of these 215 were reported for not having respected the measures (for example, having left the house without reason) while 6 for lying in the self-certification. Controls on the stores were 4,987, 19 the owners reported for not respecting the rules and three fined.

THE NUMBERS - There are 17,750 coronavirus patients in Italy, 2,795 more in a day, while the total number of infected people - including the victims and the cured - has reached 21,157. This is the data provided by the emergency commissioner Angelo Borrelli at a press conference to the Civil Protection . 1,441 are the victims. In one day there was an increase of 175 deaths. There are 1,518 patients admitted to intensive care, 190 more than the day before. "We are facing a great pandemic - he added - we must all work together without controversy", said Borrelli on the accusations of the Regions, in particular of Lombardy (on the masks) .


Source: ansa

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