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Coronavirus: appeal Cri, do not abandon animals


'It is fake news that dogs and cats infect humans' (ANSA)

A call not to abandon affectionate animals. #NOINONSIAMOCONTAGIOSI is the title of the awareness campaign created by the Italian Red Cross Rome Metropolitan Area Committee which, through its Dog Units, in collaboration with the Veterinary Doctors Order of Rome and its Province, reaffirms an important concept: cats and dogs they infect humans with Coronavirus). "The alarms spread on social networks with incorrect news and fake news - explains in a note - have created a panic situation, recently recording an unjustified increase in abandonments". For this reason CRI intervenes through its dog section to reassure the population, since to date there is no scientific evidence that animals can contract Covid-19 or be themselves a transmission vehicle for humans. "Keeping calm and always adopting the measures suggested by the government in terms of hygiene rules - continues the note - is the only right thing to do even after getting in touch with our pets". Promoters of the initiative are also the Pet Carpet Film Festival, a film festival dedicated to animals, and some show business personalities, including Lino Banfi, Giancarlo Magalli, Enzo Salvi, Cinzia Leone, Lillo, Alda D'Eusanio, Carmen Russo, who have launched appeals to invite the population to follow their example and hug their four-legged friend even stronger.


Source: ansa

All life articles on 2020-03-16

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